Beáti servi illi, quos, cum vénerit Dóminus, invénerit vigilántes: amen, dico vobis, quod præcínget se, et fáciet illos discúmbere, et tránsiens ministrábit illis...

Omnípotens sempitérne Deus, qui in Corde beátæ Maríæ Vírginis dignum Spíritus Sancti habitáculum præparásti: concéde propítius; ut ejúsdem immaculáti Cordis festivitátem devóta mente recoléntes, secúndum cor tuum vívere valeámus. Per Dóminum... in unitáte ejúsdem.

Concéde, quǽsumus, omnípotens Deus: ut ad meliórem vitam beatórum Mauri et Placidi Confessórum tuórum exémpla nos próvocent; quaténus, quorum memóriam ágimus, étiam actus imitémur. Per Dóminum.

Today is Saturday in the 19th week post Pentecosten, the 1st in October. It being the First Saturday, when the Immaculate Heart of Our Blessed Lady the great Mother of God is worshipped following the word of Our Lady at Fatime, at Saint-Eugène I suspect that the Mass Adeamus cum fiducia was said (at 0030, whilst I was sound asleep). At Le Barroux, the feast of the Confessors Saints Maurus and Placidus, Disciples of the Holy Father Saint Benedictus, is observed with the Mass Confiteantur tibi Domine, from the Common of several confessors in the Proprium pro aliquibus locis of the Missale Romanum. This Placidus is the monk whom the Holy Father sent Maurus to rescue from drowning. There is a different Placidus in the Missale Romanum who suffered martyrdom, with his companions; their feast is on today's date also. The two Placids have evidently been... confused by some, in the course of 1500 years.

From the 7th chapter of the 2nd book of the Dialogues of Saint Gregory the Great, in a translation published at Collegeville

On a certain day, as venerable Benedict was in his cell, young Placidus, the holy man's monk, went out to take up water at the lake, and, putting down his pail carelessly, fell in after it. The water forthwith carried him away from the land as far as one may shoot an arrow. The man of God, being in his cell, by and by knew this. He called in haste for Maurus, saying: "Brother Maurus, run as fast as you can, for Placidus, who went to the lake to fetch water, has fallen in, and is carried a good way off."

A strange thing, and, since the time of Peter the Apostle, never heard of! Maurus asked his father's blessing and, departing in all haste at his command, ran to that spot on the water to which the young lad had been carried by the force of the water. Thinking that he had all that while been on the land, Maurus took fast hold of Placidus by the hair of his head, in all haste he returned with him. As soon as he was on land, coming to himself, he looked back, and then knew very well that he had run on the water. That which before he dared not to presume, being now done and past, he both marveled at, and was afraid of what he had done.

Coming back to the father, Benedict, and telling him what had happened, the venerable man did not attribute this to his own merits, but to the obedience of Maurus. Maurus, on the contrary, said that it was done only on his commandment, and that he had nothing to do with that miracle, not knowing at that time what he did. The friendly contention proceeded in mutual humility, but the youth himself that had been saved from drowning determined the fact. He said that when he was drawn out of the water, he saw the Abbot's garment on his head, affirming thereby that it was the man of God that had delivered him from that great danger.

Introitus. Ps 144, 10-11. Confiteántur tibi, Dómine, ómnia ópera tua, et Sancti tui benedícant tibi: glóriam regni tui dicent, et poténtiam tuam loquéntur. Ps. ibid., 1. Exaltábo te, Deus meus, Rex: et benedícam nómini tuo in sǽculum, et in sǽculum sǽculi. ℣. Glória Patri.

Kyrie, Gloria.

Concéde, quǽsumus, omnípotens Deus: ut ad meliórem vitam beatórum Mauri et Placidi Confessórum tuórum exémpla nos próvocent; quaténus, quorum memóriam ágimus, étiam actus imitémur. Per Dóminum.

Léctio libri Sapiéntiæ.
Eccli. 2, 7-13.
Metuéntes Dóminum, sustinéte misericórdiam ejus: et non deflectátis ab illo, ne cadátis. Qui timétis Dóminum, credite illi: et non evacuábitur merces vestra. Qui timétis Dóminum, speráte in illum: et in oblectatiónem véniet vobis misericórdia. Qui timétis Dóminum, diligite illum: et illuminabúntur corda vestra. Respícite, Fílii, natiónes hóminum: et scitóte, quia nullus sperávit in Dómino, et confúsus est. Quis enim permánsit in mandátis ejus, et derelíctus est? aut quis invocávit eum, et despéxit illum? Quóniam pius et miséricors est Deus, et remíttet in die tribulatiónis peccáta: et protéctor est ómnibus exquiréntibus se in veritáte.

Graduale. Ps. 30, 24-25. Dilígite Dóminum, omnes Sancti eius, quóniam veritátem requíret Dóminus, et retríbuet abundanter faciéntibus superbiam. ℣. Viríliter agite, et confortétur cor vestrum, omnes qui sperátis in Dómino.

Allelúja, allelúja. ℣. Ps. 9. 11. Sperent in te, qui novérunt nomen tuum: quóniam non dereliquísti quæréntes te, Dómine. Allelúja.

✠ Sequéntia sancti Evangélii secúndum Lucam.
Luc. 12, 35-40.
In illo témpore: Dixit Jesus discípulis suis: Sint lumbi vestri præcíncti, et lucernæ ardéntes in mánibus vestris, et vos símiles homínibus exspectántibus dóminum suum, quando revertátur a núptiis: ut, cum vénerit et pulsáverit, conféstim apériant ei. Beáti servi illi, quos, cum vénerit dóminus, invénerit vigilántes: amen, dico vobis, quod præcínget se, et fáciet illos discúmbere, et tránsiens ministrábit illis. Et si vénerit in secúnda vigília, et si in tértia vigília vénerit, et ita invénerit, beáti sunt servi illi. Hoc autem scitóte, quóniam, si sciret paterfamílias, qua hora fur veníret, vigiláret útique, et non síneret pérfodi domum suam. Et vos estóte paráti, quia, qua hora non putátis, Fílius hóminis véniet.

Offertorium. Ps. 67, 4. Justi epuléntur et exsúltent in conspéctu Dei, et delecténtur in lætítia.

Secreta. Hóstias ad altare tuum offeréntibus, Dómine, da nobis illum pietátis afféctum, quem beátis Mauro et Placido Confessóribus tuis infudísti: ut pura mente ac férvido corde rei sacræ attendámus, et sacrifícium tibi plácitum nobísque profícuum immolémus. Per Dóminum.

Communio. Luc 12, 37. Beáti servi illi, quos, cum vénerit Dóminus, invénerit vigilántes: amen, dico vobis, quod præcínget se, et fáciet illos discúmbere, et tránsiens ministrábit illis.

Postcommunio. Tríbuat nobis, omnípotens Deus, suffragántibus beatórum Mauri et Placidi Confessórum tuórum précibus, refectio sacra subsídium: ut et castitátis mundítiam observémus in córpore, et lumen veritátis exhibeámus in ópere. Per Dóminum.

Alia Postcommunio. Súpplices te rogámus, omnípotens Deus: ut, quos tuis réficis sacraméntis, intercedéntibus beátis Mauro et Placido Confessóribus tuis, tibi étiam plácitis móribus dignánter tríbuas deservíre. Per Dóminum.

Laus Deo Virginique Matre
