Si quis vult post me veníre, abneget semetípsum, et tollat crucem suam, et sequatur me...

Adésto, Dómine, supplicatiónibus nostris: et intercessióne beáti Lauréntii Mártyris tui, cujus prǽvénimus festivitátem; perpétuam nobis misericórdiam benígnus impénde. Per Dóminum.

Today is Friday in the 11th week post Pentecosten and the Vigil of the feast of the Martyr Saint Lawrence. The Mass provided in the Missale Romanum (and also sung at Le Barroux) is Dispersit dedit pauperibus. My presumption, based on what I heard of Pater Thomas's sermon yesterday, is that the Mass of Saint Jean-Marie Vianney will be said at Saint-Eugène; we shall see. 

At Saint-Eugène, M l'Abbé Grodziski is indeed celebrating the Mass Mihi absit gloriari of the Holy Confessor, with commemoration of the Vigil of Saint Laurence Martyr. I shall add the Mass propers infra.

Excerpts from the Liber Sacramentorum (v 4) of Blessed Ildefonso, on the Vigil:

The observance of this vigil from the fourth century is attested by the Life of St Melania the Younger (m 439), in which it is related that while the saint was still a child her parents refused to take her to it on account of her youth. Melania then retired into the family oratory and kept the vigil all by herself in honour of St Lawrence as best she could...

In the Leonine Sacramentary there are to be found various formulas of Masses for this night’s vigil, which show the very extensive cultus given to St Lawrence in Rome, a cultus greater than that paid to any saint except the Princes of the Apostles....

Introitus. Ps. 111, 9. Dispérsit, dedit paupéribus: justítia ejus manet in sǽculum sǽculi: cornu ejus exaltábitur in glória. Ps. ibid., 1. Beátus vir, qui timet Dóminum: in mandátis ejus cupit nimis. V. Glória Patri.


Adésto, Dómine, supplicatiónibus nostris: et intercessióne beáti Lauréntii Mártyris tui, cujus prǽvénimus festivitátem; perpétuam nobis misericórdiam benígnus impénde. Per Dóminum.

Léctio libri Sapiéntiæ.
Eccli. 51, 1-8 et 12.
Confitébor tibi, Dómine, Rex, et collaudábo te Deum, Salvatórem meum. Confitébor nómini tuo: quóniam adjútor et protéctor factus es mihi, et liberásti corpus meum a perditióne, a láqueo linguæ iniquae et a lábiis operántium mendácium, et in conspéctu astántium factus es mihi adjútor. Et liberásti me secúndum multitúdinem misericórdiæ nóminis tui a rugiéntibus, præparátis ad escam, de mánibus quæréntium ánimam meam, et de portis tribulatiónum, quæ circumdedérunt me: a pressúra flammæ, quæ circúmdedit me, et in médio ignis non sum æstuátus: de altitúdine ventris ínferi, et a lingua coinquináta, et a verbo mendácii, a rege iníquo, et a lingua injústa: laudábit usque ad mortem ánima mea Dóminum: quóniam éruis sustinéntes te, et líberas eos de mánibus géntium, Dómine, Deus noster.

Graduale. Ps. 111, 9 et 2. Dispersit, dedit paupéribus: justítia ejus manet in sǽculum sǽculi. V. Potens in terra erit semen ejus: generátio rectórum benedicétur.

✠  Sequéntia sancti Evangélii secúndum Matthǽum.
Matth. 16, 24-27.
In illo témpore: Dixit Jesus discípulis suis: Si quis vult post me veníre, ábneget semetípsum, et tollat crucem suam, et sequátur me. Qui enim volúerit ánimam suam salvam fácere, perdet eam: qui autem perdíderit ánimam suam propter me, invéniet eam. Quid enim prodest hómini, si mundum univérsum lucrétur, ánimæ vero suæ detriméntum patiátur? Aut quam dabit homo commutatiónem pro ánima sua? Fílius enim hóminis ventúrus est in glória Patris sui cum Angelis suis: et tunc reddet unicuíque secúndum ópera ejus.

Another excerpt from Blessed Ildefonso:

The Offertory is drawn from the Book of Job (xvi, 20). It is the martyr who is appealing from the unjust judgement of man to a higher tribunal which cannot be deceived nor deal unjustly. 'My prayer is pure, and therefore I ask that a place may be given to my voice in heaven: for there is my judge, and he that knoweth my conscience is on high: let my prayer ascend to the Lord.' The testimony of a good conscience and faith in the judgement of God inspired the martyrs with such peace in the midst of the storm of hatred which overwhelmed them that Tertullian in his Apologia writes: 'Whilst you condemn us to death, God declares us innocent; wherefore we answer joyfully to the sentence you pronounce upon us: Deo gratias'.

Offertorium. Job 16, 20. Orátio mea munda est: et ídeo peto, ut detur locus voci meæ in cœlo: quia ibi est judex meus, et cónscius meus in excélsis: ascéndat ad Dóminum deprecátio mea.

Secreta. Hóstias, Dómine, quas tibi offérimus, propítius súscipe: et, intercedénte beáto Lauréntio Mártyre tuo, víncula peccatórum nostrorum absólve. Per Dóminum.

Sanctus, Benedictus, Agnus Dei.

Matth. 16, 24. Qui vult veníre post me, abneget semetípsum, et tollat crucem suam, et sequátur me.

Postcommunio. Da, quǽsumus, Dómine, Deus noster: ut, sicut beáti Lauréntii Mártyris tui commemoratióne, temporáli gratulámur offício; ita perpétuo lætémur aspéctu. Per Dóminum.


The proper of the Mass of Saint Jean-Marie Vianney sans oraisons. The antiphona ad Introitum.

The Graduale.

The Alleluia and its verse.

The antiphona ad Offertorium.

The antiphona ad Communionem.

