From Drafts, re the Paschaltide antiphon Ego sum Alpha et Omega...

From Drafts, re the Paschaltide antiphon Ego sum Alpha et Omega.

I was listening around in the albums of Ensemble Organum on Spotify-- certainly not all of those they have recorded, alas, but ten, including Le Jeu des pèlerins d'Emmaus the content of which has a certain correspondence to the Stational Vespers of Easter (celebrated each year at Saint-Eugène). I don't know anything about the Jeu (am presuming that we're discussing here a 'mystery play') or the Officium peregrinorum featured on the album but am going to search the Internets in a bit. 

What caught my eye yesterday was the antiphon Ego sum Alpha et Omega, which is sung at both the Stational Vespers and at Vespers throughout Paschaltide. The melody is more or less identical, the Organum and Saint-E. versions, although the text of what is recorded on the Organum CD is not as extensive as the Saint-E. text.

How I managed to get two different widths, eh. Now, let us see if I can find the Organum recording and put it here. Hmm.
