Today is Tuesday in the 3rd week of Advent, again an Advent feria with the Mass Gaudete in Domino semper from Sunday.
Lectio 1
De Isaía Prophéta
Isa 30:18-20
18 Exspéctat Dóminus ut misereátur vestri, et ídeo exaltábitur parcens vobis: quia Deus judícii Dóminus: beáti omnes qui exspéctant eum.
19 Pópulus enim Sion habitábit in Jerúsalem: plorans nequáquam plorábis, míserans miserébitur tui: ad vocem clamóris tui statim ut audíerit, respondébit tibi.
20 Et dabit vobis Dóminus panem arctum, et aquam brevem: et non fáciet avoláre a te ultra doctórem tuum: et erunt óculi tui vidéntes præceptórem tuum.
R. Ægýpte, noli flere, quia Dominátor tuus véniet tibi, ante cujus conspéctum movebúntur abýssi,
* Liberáre pópulum suum de manu poténtiæ.
V. Ecce véniet Dóminus exercítuum, Deus tuus cum potestáte magna.
R. Liberáre pópulum suum de manu poténtiæ.
Lectio 2
Isa 30:22-25
22 Egrédere, dices ei:
23 Et dábitur plúvia sémini tuo, ubicúmque semináveris in terra: et panis frugum terræ erit ubérrimus et pinguis. Pascétur in possessióne tua in die illo agnus spatióse:
24 Et tauri tui, et pulli asinórum, qui operántur terram, commístum migma cómedent sicut in área ventilátum est.
25 Et erunt super omnem montem excélsum, et super omnem cóllem elevátum, rivi curréntium aquárum, in die interfectiónis multórum, cum cecidérint turres.
R. Prope est ut véniat tempus ejus, et dies ejus non elongabúntur:
* Miserébitur Dóminus Jacob, et Israël salvábitur.
V. Revértere, virgo Israël, revértere ad civitátes tuas.
R. Miserébitur Dóminus Jacob, et Israël salvábitur.
Lectio 3
Isa 30:26-28
26 Et erit lux lunæ sicut lux solis, et lux solis erit septemplíciter sicut lux septem diérum in die, qua alligáverit Dóminus vulnus pópuli sui, et percússuram plagæ ejus sanáverit.
27 Ecce nomen Dómini venit de longínquo, ardens furor ejus, et gravis ad portándum: lábia ejus repléta sunt indignatióne, et lingua ejus quasi ignis dévorans.
28 Spíritus ejus velut torrens inúndans usque ad médium colli, ad perdéndas gentes in níhilum, et frenum erróris, quod erat in máxillis populórum.
R. Descéndet Dóminus sicut plúvia in vellus:
* Oriétur in diébus ejus justítia, et abundántia pacis.
V. Et adorábunt eum omnes reges, omnes gentes sérvient ei.
R. Oriétur in diébus ejus justítia, et abundántia pacis.
V. Glória Patri, et Fílio, * et Spirítui Sancto.
R. Oriétur in diébus ejus justítia, et abundántia pacis.
At Barroux, the antiphon at Terce, Emítte Agnum, Dómine, Dominatórem terræ, de Petra desérti, ad montem fíliæ Sion. The first infra is from the 1960 Liber antiphonarius, the second from the 2005 Antiphonale monasticum. I listened twice and can't tell which was used at Barroux, eh. The one material difference I see is that there is only one note flatted in the first while two are in the second; am too ignorant to know if this is just the difference in mode expressing itself or if there is something else that has gone on.
The Mass Gaudete in Domine semper is here (yesterday's page, not Sunday's, so a minimum of my scribbling). Fr Durodié was the celebrant of Holy Mass at Saint-Eugène today.
Dr Joseph Shaw, chairman of the Latin Mass Society ('of England and Wales', although this often gets transmuted to 'UK') has begun sending occasional email notes, 'less' than posts at his blog and 'more' than posts on X. Today's, predictably, is concerned with yesterday's nonsense from the Holy See, Fiducia supplicans. This is an excerpt:
The best way to understand it is to see it as part of a strategy to make the greatest possible liberal-friendly publicity splash with the smallest-possible disciplinary or doctrinal concession. Again and again Pope Francis has been given credit by liberals inside and outside the Church for making great changes when, on closer examination, nothing of substance has changed. In this case, priests are not authorised to do anything they were not already allowed to do.Some liberals have noticed this strategy...It does not follow that this document is harmless. The predictable headlines on the Church accepting sex outside marriage undermine the proclamation of the Gospel and harm souls. Good priests are demoralised, and bishops wishing to teach authentically risk being told that they are contradicting the Pope.
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