Nonne cor nostrum ardens erat in nobis, dum loquerétur in via, et aperíret nobis Scriptúras?

Today is Easter Monday and the second day of the Pasch. The lesson from the Gospel according to Saint John recounts the history of the disciples on the road to Emmaus who are met by Our Lord. We may piously believe that this is the first mention of the celebration of the Most Holy Eucharist in sacred history, after the divine Mystery had been given to us in the Sacred Triduum of Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter.

At Saint-Eugène, Holy Mass is being sung and streamed at the Sunday hour of 0200. My intention, on Easter Sunday afternoon, is to follow it and then, later in the morning, to listen to the recording from Barroux. It is just possible, however, that I will succumb to the delight of sleeping through the night and shut off the alarm; probably not Monday or Tuesday mornings, though. No, not this morning and the hour is returned to 1000 for the remainder of the Octave apart from Saturday.

Am returned from my walk et cetera. The audio recording of the Mass at Barroux is about to begin-- the bells are ringing away in Easter joy, after a few minutes of the organ. 

Well, now, after some minutes of coughs and shuffling feet, we've arrived at a second iteration of bells' ringing. At this point, I've started the video recording, too, to see if it offers any evidence as to the Progress of Events. A second interval of organ-playing has begun, in the audio. In the video the candles are being lit. More or less at the 36:00 mark, Terce has begun: I was distracted from the time because the monks sang the Nunc Sancte nobis Spiritus; which is omitted during the Octave in the Roman Rite. There is about an hour remaining of the audio-- am thinking about how Mass is going to be fit into the remaining 52 minutes.

Statio ad S. Petrum

Whereas, among the early Christians, the feasts of Christmas, the Epiphany, and Pentecost lasted only three or four days, it was characteristic of the Easter festivities that they were prolonged for an entire week, not concluding until the Saturday in Albis; so that the neophytes might lay aside their white baptismal garments on the Sunday following. During this whole week Rome kept continuous festival; all business transactions were suspended; the law-courts were closed, marriage ceremonies were deferred; every morning the station was celebrated at one of the chief basilicas of the city, whilst in the afternoon the people again met together in the Lateran basilica in order to accompany the neophytes in procession to the baptistery and to the various oratories grouped around that sanctuary.
After yesterday’s station at St Mary Major, we must today hasten immediately to St Peter’s-- whether because it is fitting to bring at once to the Pastor Ecclesiae those who are called in the liturgy Agni novelli, qui annuntiaverunt Alleluia, or because St Peter was the first among the Apostles to be privileged to see the risen Saviour. The scriptural lessons in the Mass and the responsory in the evening Office, Surrexit Dominus vere et apparuit Simoni, bear witness to the lively faith of the Apostle in whose house the Roman Church is desirous of renewing, as it were, today the paschal feast. (Liber Sacramentorum)

The rite of Holy Mass is solemn, as befits the day: three sacred ministers, and the ordinary and proper are sung by the Schola. (The livret is here.) M. le Curé is the celebrant, M l'Abbé Grodziski deacon, and M Ignotus subdeacon. 

Introitus. Exodi 13, 5 et 9. 50:29 Introdúxit vos Dóminus in terram fluéntem lac et mel, allelúja: et ut lex Dómini semper sit in ore vestro, allelúja, allelúja. Ps. 104, 1. Confitémini Dómino et invocáte nomen ejus: annuntiáte inter gentes ópera ejus. ℣. Glória Patri.

The chanting of the Mass from Barroux just stopped after the Introit; one continues hearing the coughs and children et cetera but the monks... no. A technical glitch? In any event, the chanting of the Introit was resumed, and the Kyrie proceeds as usual. Hmm. 

The Mass I from the Kyriale, Lux et origo, for Paschal time, is chanted, with Credo III.

The Gloria at Barroux begins at 1:03:19

Oratio. 1:06:29 Deus, qui sollemnitáte pascháli, mundo remédia contulísti: pópulum tuum, quǽsumus, cœlésti dono proséquere; ut et perféctam libertátem consequi mereátur, et ad vitam profíciat sempitérnam. Per Dóminum.

Léctio Actuum Apostólorum.
Act. 10, 37-43. 1:07:25
In diébus illis: Stans Petrus in médio plebis, dixit: Viri fratres, vos scitis, quod factum est verbum per universam Judǽam: incípiens enim a Galilǽa, post baptísmum, quod prædicávit Joánnes, Jesum a Názareth: quómodo unxit eum Deus Spíritu Sancto et virtúte, qui pertránsiit benefaciéndo, et sanándo omnes oppréssos a diábolo, quóniam Deus erat cum illo. Et nos testes sumus ómnium, quæ fecit in regióne Judæórum et Jerúsalem, quem occidérunt suspendéntes in ligno. Hunc Deus suscitávit tértia die, et dedit eum maniféstum fíeri, non omni pópulo, sed téstibus præordinátis a Deo: nobis, qui manducávimus et bíbimus cum illo, postquam resurréxit a mórtuis. Et præcépit nobis prædicáre populo et testificári, quia ipse est, qui constitútus est a Deo judex vivórum et mortuórum. Huic omnes Prophétæ testimónium pérhibent, remissiónem peccatórum accípere per nomen ejus omnes, qui credunt in eum.

Graduale. Ps. 117, 24 et 2. 1:10:12 Hæc dies, quam fecit Dóminus: exsultémus et lætémur in ea. ℣. Dicat nunc Israël, quóniam bonus: quóniam in sǽculum misericórdia ejus.

Allelúja, allelúja. ℣. Matth. 28, 2. 1:13:05 Angelus Dómini descéndit de cœlo: et accédens revólvit lápidem, et sedébat super eum.

The Revert setting of the Sequéntia is sung. 1:44:42.

Víctimæ pascháli laudes ímmolent Christiáni.
Agnus rédemit oves: Christus ínnocens Patri reconciliávit peccatóres.
Mors et vita duéllo conflixére mirándo: dux vitæ mórtuus regnat vivus.
Dic nobis, María, quid vidísti in via?
Sepúlcrum Christi vivéntis et glóriam vidi resurgéntis.
Angélicos testes, sudárium et vestes.
Surréxit Christus, spes mea: præcédet vos in Galilǽam.
Scimus Christum surrexísse a mórtuis vere: tu nobis, victor Rex, miserére.
Amen. Allelúia.


'This is a contemporary speculation of what an original version would have been, with two choirs alternating with the Alleluia jubilus.' 

This version was added (by 'Sancti Fructuosi') to Gregobase in March of this year.

✠ Sequéntia sancti Evangélii secúndum Lucam.
Luc. 24, 13-35. 1:16:24

In illo témpore: Duo ex discípulis Jesu ibant ipsa die in castéllum, quod erat in spátio stadiórum sexagínta ab Jerúsalem, nómine Emmaus. Et ipsi loquebántur ad ínvicem de his ómnibus, quæ accíderant. Et factum est, dum fabularéntur et secum quǽrerent: et ipse Jesus appropínquans ibat cum illis: óculi autem illórum tenebántur, ne eum agnóscerent. Et ait ad illos: Qui sunt hi sermónes, quos confértis ad ínvicem ambulántes, et estis tristes? Et respóndens unus, cui nomen Cléophas, dixit ei: Tu solus peregrínus es in Jerúsalem, et non cognovísti, quæ facta sunt in illa his diébus? Quibus ille dixit: Quæ? Et dixérunt: De Jesu Nazaréno, qui fuit vir Prophéta potens in ópere et sermóne, coram Deo et omni pópulo: et quómodo eum tradidérunt summi sacerdótes et príncipes nostri in damnatiónem mortis, et crucifixérunt eum. Nos autem sperabámus, quia ipse esset redemptúrus Israël: et nunc super hæc ómnia tértia dies est hódie, quod hæc facta sunt. Sed et mulíeres quædam ex nostris terruérunt nos, quæ ante lucem fuérunt ad monuméntum, et, non invénto córpore ejus, venérunt, dicéntes se étiam visiónem Angelórum vidísse, qui dicunt eum vívere. Et abiérunt quidam ex nostris ad monuméntum: et ita invenérunt, sicut mulíeres dixérunt, ipsum vero non invenérunt. Et ipse dixit ad eos: O stulti et tardi corde ad credéndum in ómnibus, quæ locúti sunt Prophétæ! Nonne hæc opórtuit pati Christum, et ita intráre in glóriam suam? Et incípiens a Móyse et ómnibus Prophétis, interpretabátur illis in ómnibus Scriptúris, quæ de ipso erant. Et appropinquavérunt castéllo, quo ibant: et ipse se finxit lóngius ire. Et coëgérunt illum, dicéntes: Mane nobiscum, quóniam advesperáscit et inclináta est jam dies. Et intrávit cum illis. Et factum est, dum recúmberet cum eis, accépit panem, et benedíxit, ac fregit, et porrigébat illis. Et apérti sunt óculi eórum, et cognovérunt eum: et ipse evánuit ex óculis eórum. Et dixérunt ad ínvicem: Nonne cor nostrum ardens erat in nobis, dum loquerétur in via, et aperíret nobis Scriptúras? Et surgéntes eádem hora regréssi sunt in Jerúsalem: et invenérunt congregátas úndecim, et eos, qui cum illis erant, dicéntes: Quod surréxit Dóminus vere, et appáruit Simóni. Et ipsi narrábant, quæ gesta erant in via: et quómodo cognovérunt eum in fractióne panis.

The Credo begins at Barroux at 1:23:10.

Offertorium. Matth. 28, 2, 5 et 6. 1:27:27 Angelus Dómini descéndit de cœlo, et dixit muliéribus: Quem quǽritis, surréxit, sicut dixit, allelúja.

Secreta. 1:33:50 Súscipe, quǽsumus, Dómine, preces pópuli tui cum oblatiónibus hostiárum: ut, paschálibus initiáta mystériis, ad æternitátis nobis medélam, te operánte, profíciant. Per Dóminum.

The Sanctus at Barroux begins at 1:36:55. Since the audio ends at 1:43:00, I think that the Communio et cetera can't have been recorded today. So I clicked on the video, at the Pax.It is much more audible in the 'quiet' parts e.g. the Confiteor.

Communio. Luc. 24,34. 1:26:40 in the video. Surréxit Dóminus, et appáruit Petro, allelúja.

Postcommunio. Spíritum nobis, Dómine, tuæ caritátis infúnde: ut, quos sacraméntis paschálibus satiásti, tua fácias pietáte concordes. Per Dóminum... in unitáte ejúsdem.

