Lectio 1Léctio sancti Evangélii secúndum MatthǽumMatt 1:18-21Cum esset desponsáta Mater Jesu María Joseph, ántequam convenírent, invénta est in útero habens de Spíritu Sancto. Et réliqua.
Homilía sancti Hierónymi PresbýteriLib. 1 Comment. in c. 1 Matth.Quare non de símplici vírgine, sed de desponsáta concípitur? Primum, ut per generatiónem Joseph, orígo Maríæ monstrarétur: secúndo, ne lapidarétur a Judǽis ut adúltera: tértio, ut in Ægýptum fúgiens habéret solátium. Martyr Ignátius étiam quartam áddidit causam, cur a desponsáta concéptus sit: Ut partus, ínquiens, ejus celarétur diábolo, dum eum putat non de vírgine, sed de uxóre generátum.
R. Sanctificámini hódie, et estóte paráti: quia die crástina vidébitis
* Majestátem Dei in vobis.
V. Hódie sciétis quia véniet Dóminus, et mane vidébitis.
R. Majestátem Dei in vobis.
Lectio 2Antequam convenírent, invénta est in útero habens de Spíritu Sancto. Non ab álio invénta est, nisi a Joseph, qui pene licéntia maritáli futúræ uxóris ómnia nóverat. Quod autem dícitur, Antequam convenírent, non séquitur ut póstea convénerint: sed Scriptúra quod factum non sit, osténdit.
R. Constántes estóte, vidébitis auxílium Dómini super vos: Judǽa et Jerúsalem, nolíte timére:
* Cras egrediémini, et Dóminus erit vobíscum.
V. Sanctificámini, fílii Israël, et estóte paráti.
R. Cras egrediémini, et Dóminus erit vobíscum.
Lectio 3Joseph autem vir ejus, cum esset justus, et nollet eam tradúcere, vóluit occúlte dimíttere eam. Si quis fornicáriæ conjúngitur, unum corpus effícitur, et in lege præcéptum est, non solum reos, sed et cónscios críminum obnóxios esse peccáti: quómodo Joseph, cum crimen celáret uxóris, justus scríbitur? Sed hoc testimónium Maríæ est, quod Joseph sciens illíus castitátem, et admírans quod evénerat, celat siléntio, cujus mystérium nesciébat.
R. Sanctificámini, fílii Israël, dicit Dóminus: die enim crástina descéndet Dóminus,
* Et áuferet a vobis omnem languórem.
V. Crástina die delébitur iníquitas terræ, et regnábit super nos Salvátor mundi.
R. Et áuferet a vobis omnem languórem.
V. Glória Patri, et Fílio, * et Spirítui Sancto.
R. Et áuferet a vobis omnem languórem.
I elected not to get up for the streaming of this Mass from Saint-Eugène, quailing before the onset of twelve hours of Mass-viewing and -going beginning at 1300. Dom Prosper's observations ought to be easily distinguishable from any of my own nonsense, should I add any of it here. The video recording from Saint-E... either I misread what was online and they didn't stream the Mass Hodie scietis or else I read correctly and they changed their plans-- certainly my money is placed on the first alternative there, ha; I suppose that it is possible that the posting of the video is simply delayed.
Just saw an email from YouTube announcing the beginning of the Mass at 0030, so it happened. It's good to know that confusion is not always caused by 'my lyin' eyes'. But the video is still not avail for putting here-- so there was a 'technical issue' or, more like, the 'technical people' have better things to do this evening that fuss about unnecessarily with the YouTube.
The morning's temperature is in the low 40s, and I don't believe that it dropped below freezing overnight, nor does it look to do so at all in the next week (but those mages have been at the celebratory spirits for quite a long Advent...) so the daily downpours of rain in the next couple of days will be a very much missed opportunity for snow. Tsk. I have to go out for the last minute shopping, so will say Prime and perform my morning toilette.
Introitus. Exodi 16, 6 et 7. Hódie sciétis, quia véniet Dóminus et salvábit nos: et mane vidébitis glóriam ejus. Ps. 23, 1. Dómini est terra, et plenitúdo ejus: orbis terrárum, et univérsi, qui hábitant in eo. ℣. Glória Patri.
Oratio. Deus, qui nos redemptiónis nostræ ánnua exspectatióne lætíficas: præsta; ut Unigénitum tuum, quem Redemptórem læti suscípimus, veniéntem quoque Júdicem secúri videámus, Dóminum nostrum Jesum Christum, Fílium tuum: Qui tecum vivit et regnat.
In the Collect, the Church makes a last allusion to the Coming of Jesus as our Judge, at the end of the world. But after this, she can only look upon her Jesus as the Prince of Peace, and as the Spouse that comes to her. Her children must imitate her confidence.
Apostoli ad Romános
Rom. 1, 1-6.
Paulus, servus Jesu Christi, vocátus Apóstolus, segregátus in Evangélium Dei, quod ante promíserat per Prophétas suos in Scriptúris sanctis de Fílio suo, qui factus est ei ex sémine David secúndum carnem: qui prædestinátus est Fílius Dei in virtúte secúndum spíritum sanctificatiónis ex resurrectióne mortuórum Jesu Christi, Dómini nostri: per quem accépimus grátiam, et apostolátum ad obœdiéndum fídei in ómnibus géntibus pro nómine ejus, in quibus estis et vos vocáti Jesu Christi, Dómini nostri.
In the Epistle, the Apostle St. Paul, addressing himself to the Romans, makes known to them the dignity and holiness of the Gospel, that is, of those Good Tidings, which the Angels are to bring to us this very night. Now, the subject of this Gospel is Jesus, the Son that is born unto God, of the family of David, according to the flesh. This Jesus comes that he may be, to his Church, the source of grace and apostleship. It is by these two gifts that we are still associated, after so many ages, to the joys of the great Mystery of his Birth in Bethlehem.
Graduale. Exodi 16, 6 et 7. Hódie sciétis, quia véniet Dóminus et salvábit nos: et mane vidébitis glóriam ejus. ℣. Ps. 79, 2–3. Qui regis Israël, inténde: qui dedúcis, velut ovem, Joseph: qui sedes super Chérubim, appáre coram Ephraim, Bénjamin, et Manásse.
✠ Sequéntia sancti Evangélii secundum Matthǽum.
Matth, 1, 18–21.
Cum esset desponsáta Mater Jesu Maria Joseph, ántequam convenírent, inventa est in útero habens de Spiritu Sancto. Joseph autem, vir ejus, cum esset justus et nollet eam tradúcere, vóluit occúlte dimíttere eam. Hæc autem eo cogitánte, ecce, Angelus Dómini appáruit in somnis ei, dicens: Joseph, fili David, noli timére accípere Maríam cónjugem tuam: quod enim in ea natum est, de Spíritu Sancto est. Páriet autem fílium, et vocábis nomen ejus Jesum: ipse enim salvum fáciet pópulum suum a peccátis eórum. Offertorium Ps. 23, 7. Tóllite portas, principes, vestras: et elevámini, portæ æternáles, et introíbit Rex glóriæ.
Secreta. Da nobis, quǽsumus, omnípotens Deus: ut, sicut adoránda Fílii tui natalítia prævenímus, sic ejus múnera capiámus sempitérna gaudéntes: Qui tecum.
Communio. Is. 40, 5. Revelábitur glória Dómini: et vidébit omnis caro salutáre Dei nostri.
During the Communion, the Church expresses her joy at receiving, in the Eucharistic Sacrament, Him whose flesh purifies and nourishes ours. She is strengthened, by the consolation given to her by the divine Food, to wait yet little longer for that happy moment, in which Angels will come and invite her to the Crib of the Messias.
Postcommunio. Da nobis, quǽsumus, Dómine: unigéniti Fílii tui recensíta nativitáte respiráre; cujus cœlésti mystério páscimur et potámur. Per eúndem Dóminum.
Let us contemplate our Blessed Lady, and her faithful Spouse Joseph, leaving the city of Jerusalem, and continuing their journey to Bethlehem, which they reach after few hours. In obedience to the will of heaven, they immediately repair to the place where their names are to be enrolled, as the Emperor's edict requires. There is entered in the public register, Joseph, carpenter of Nazareth in Galilee. To his name, there is, doubtless, added that of Mary, Spouse of the above-named Joseph. Perhaps they enter her as young woman, in the ninth month of her pregnancy. And this is all! O Incarnate Word, thou art not yet counted by men; Thou art upon this earth of thine, and men set thee down as nothing. And yet, all this excitement of the enrolment of the world is to be for nothing else but this, that Mary, thy august Mother, may come to Bethlehem, and there give thee Birth.
O ineffable Mystery! how grand is this apparent littleness, how mighty this divine weakness. But God has still lower to descend than merely coming on our earth. He goes from house to house of his people; not one will receive him. He must go and seek a crib in the stable of poor dumb beasts. There, until such time as the Angels sing to him their hymn, and the Shepherds and the Magi come with their offerings, he will meet the ox that knoweth its Owner, and the ass that knoweth its Master's crib (Isai 1). O Saviour of men, Emmanuel, Jesus, we, too, will go to this stable of Bethlehem. Thy New Birth, which is tonight, shall not be without loving and devoted hearts to bless it. At this very hour, thou art knocking at the doors of Bethlehem, and who is there that will take thee in? Thou sayest to my soul in the words of the Canticle: Open to me, my sister, my beloved, for my head is full of dew, "and my locks of the drops of the night! (Cant 5) Ah! sweet Jesus, thou shalt not be refused here: I beseech thee, enter my house. I have been watching and longing for thee: Come, then, Lord Jesus, come! (Apoc 22)
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