A few degrees warmer this morning (32), and (I expect, I haven't yet been outside: and at least the one coven of mages is predicting rain this evening or tomorrow) probably cloudy again. Today is the Feast of the Presentation of Our Lady, the Mass Salve sancta Parens. The long arc of my life can be divided into two major parts, before and after the monastery. Today's feast was kept as a solemnity therein, a major event in the liturgical year; in the larger world of the Pauline Rite, Our Lady's Presentation merits not much more than a commemoration, if that-- i.e. except in particular places and in certain religious families the feast never gained the prominence of the other Marian solemnities. I'm sure I will find more information to refresh my memory at New Liturgical Movement but am not headed out onto the waves of the Internet, not quite yet.
A beautiful Dawn indeed, although there were and are plenty of scattered clouds foreboding rain, with all the shades of orange and pink and salmon, and other colors I can't name. Having made up my mind to go downtown to Holy Mass at 1215 I had to do a bit of re-arranging of errands and chores etc. I prefer not to have to do such fussing about. M Durodié is celebrating the Mass.
There is more than one article at New Liturgical Movement about today's feast; here, for example.
Introitus. Sedulius. Salve, sancta Parens, eníxa puérpera Regem: qui cœlum terrámque regit in sǽcula sæculórum. Ps. 44, 2. Eructávit cor meum verbum bonum: dico ego ópera mea Regi. ℣. Glória Patri.
Léctio libri Sapiéntiæ.
Eccli. 24, 14-16.
Ab inítio et ante sǽcula creáta sum, et usque ad futúrum sǽculum non désinam, et in habitatióne sancta coram ipso ministrávi. Et sic in Sion firmáta sum, et in civitáte sanctificáta simíliter requiévi, et in Jerúsalem potéstas mea. Et radicávi in pópulo honorificáto, et in parte Dei mei heréditas illíus, et in plenitúdine sanctórum deténtio mea.
Graduale. Benedícta et venerábilis es, Virgo María: quæ sine tactu pudóris invénia es Mater Salvatóris. ℣. Virgo, Dei Génetrix, quem totus non capit orbis, in tua se clausit víscera factus homo.
Luc. 11, 27-28.
In illo témpore: Loquénte Jesu ad turbas, extóllens vocem quædam múlier de turba, dixit illi: Beátus venter, qui te portávit, et úbera, quæ suxísti. At ille dixit: Quinímmo beáti, qui áudiunt verbum Dei, et custódiunt illud.
Offertorium. Luc. 1, 28 et 42. Ave, María, grátia plena; Dóminus tecum: benedícta tu in muliéribus, et benedíctus fructus ventris tui.
Secreta. Tua, Dómine, propitiatióne, et beátæ Maríæ semper Vírginis intercessióne, ad perpétuam atque præséntem hæc oblátio nobis profíciat prosperitátem et pacem. Per Dóminum.
Communio. Beáta viscera Maríæ Vírginis, quæ portavérunt ætérni Patris Fílium.
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