The what do you call it, the technician (who was formerly 'the hygienist' but I suppose that there is a difference between the two, or else that it is thought that 'technician' sounds much better; I don't know-- when I worked in the office collecting urine specimens et cetera I was instructed to describe my job as 'technician') was able to accomplish some tasks but unable to proceed to the cleaning itself because my blood pressure was formally too high, i.e. above their, the dental office's, limits. Which happened the previous occasion before I had a great lot of dental work done; the doctor's office faxes a declaration saying, Go Ahead, and that is that (one of these days they may telephone and say, Call an Ambulance, but I doubt it).
The point, on this humid but of course still quite dark morning (Dawn and sunrise both being an hour and a half away at least), is that the insurance people have sent to me asking that I confirm that X, Y, and Z services were performed on that date. This is a typical insurance company formality (using the word in a different sense) but in this case I know, contrary to the insurance paper's provisional assertion, that I didn't have x-ray photographs taken, the ones facilitated by an uncomfortable plastic tablet inserted between the teeth and the interior lining of the mouth. At least I think I know I didn't; I'd remember, surely. In any event, I have to consult the diary to see if I perhaps recorded that information, back in... July? That's what the insurance papers say-- I don't even remember that it was July; hmm.
It is the feast of Saint Francis of Assisi, and the Mass later on will be Mihi autem absit gloriári.
Collecta. Deus, qui Ecclésiam tuam, beáti Francisci méritis fœtu novæ prolis amplíficas: tríbue nobis; ex ejus imitatióne, terréna despícere et cœléstium donórum semper participatióne gaudére. Per Dóminum.
Léctio Epístolæ beáti Pauli Apóstoli ad Gálatas. Gal. 6, 14-18.
+ Sequéntia sancti Evangélii secúndum Matthǽum. Matth. 11, 25-30. In illo témpore: Respóndens Jesus, dixit: Confíteor tibi, Pater, Dómine cœli et terræ, quia abscondísti hæc a sapiéntibus et prudéntibus, et revelásti ea párvulis. Ita, Pater: quóniam sic fuit plácitum ante te. Omnia mihi trádita sunt a Patre meo. Et nemo novit Fílium nisi Pater: neque Patrem quis novit nisi Fílius, et cui volúerit Fílius reveláre. Veníte ad me, omnes, qui laborátis et oneráti estis, et ego refíciam vos. Tóllite jugum meum super vos, et díscite a me, quia mitis sum et húmilis corde: et inveniétis réquiem animábus vestris. Jugum enim meum suave est et onus meum leve.
Postcommunio. Ecclésiam tuam, quǽsumus, Dómine, grátia cœléstis amplíficet: quam beáti Francísci Confessóris tui illumináre voluísti gloriósis méritis et exémplis. Per Dóminum nostrum.
Decus morum, dux Minorum,Franciscus tenens bravium,In te vite datur vitae,Christe, redemptor omnium.Plaudat frater, regnat paterConcivis caeli civibus;Cedat fletus, psallat coetus,Exsultet caelum laudibus.Demptum solo, datum poloSignorum probant opera;Ergo vivit, nam adivitAeterna Christi munera.Pro terrenis votis plenisReportat dona gloriae;Quem decoras, quem honoras,Summae Deus clementiae.Hunc sequantur, huic iunganturQui ex Aegypto exeunt,In quo duce, clara luce,Vexilla Regis prodeunt.Regis signum ducem dignumInsignit manu, latere;Lux accedit, nox recedit,Iam lucis orto sidere.Est dux fidus, clarum sidus,Ducit, relucet, deviaDevitando, demonstrandoBeata nobis gaudia.Mina gregem dux ad regemCollisor hostis callidi,Nos conducas et inducas,Ad cœnam Agni providi. Amen.
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