Tomorrow is the feast of Saint Denis, first Bishop of Paris...

And of his companions Rusticus, priest, and Eleutherius, deacon, all martyrs. In the Traditional Rite, it is a duplex Ia classis taking precedence in the Church of Paris before the 18th Sunday post Pentecosten (which is commemorated). The page from the Schola Sainte-Cècile's website is here. It is singing the Messe royale du premier ton of Henry du Mont, as well as the proper of the Mass en vieux plain-chant parisien. The prose or sequence Gaude prole, Graecia, attributed to Robert II the Pious, will be sung before the lesson from the Holy Gospel, and the laudes regiae at the incensation of the altar at the Offertory (and in the Kunc-Roussel setting at the sortie des clercs). There is a proper preface. 

I'm particularly interested to hear two parts of a Mass (the O salutaris Hostia at the Elevation and the Domine salvam fac Galliam) composed by Augustin D'Oliveira dedicated to the Schola and that will be 'created', premiered in its entirety, on November 20,  celebrated as the feast of Saint Cecilia. I know D'Oliveira's name because he has performed on various stringed instruments (including the lute and the violoncello) at Saint-E. Now that I have looked about, am reminded of the Couperin Leçons des ténèbres in Holy Week. 

A delightful performance of some 'musical fables' at the fountain of La Fontaine, from this past July.

Had no idea, until I read Fr Maximilien-Marie's post, that there was a spiritual or mystical relationship between Saint Denis and Saint Birgitta (this is what comes from not saying her Matins, ahem; although I'm sure I have done in other years so I don't know how much of an excuse that is). I've never read the book of her Revelations. 

