Whatever smoke is in the air isn't at all obvious...

To me, after yesterday's bathe: the skies were almost palpably dense becoming an ugly grey and yellow bruise-like color as the day wore on, finally reaching a dull orange and grey as the Sun set. When it's as bad as that my eyes begin to ache; of course watching ten or more hours of the royal obsequies predisposed them for whatever irritation the smoke wrought. I believe that the jays of both species called it a day rather earlier than normal although the silly squirrels seemed unmoved. It is the feast of Saint Eustachius (and, traditionally, of his wife Theopistes and children Agapitus and Theopistus although at some point, in the name of 'demonstrable historical accuracy', the title was changed to 'et sociorum') and of those with him. But M. le Curé is celebrating the votive Mass of the Holy Ghost, commemorating Saints Eustachius et, for the conversion of sinners.

Introitus. Sap. l, 7. Spíritus Dómini replévit orbem terrárum: et hoc, quod cóntinet ómnia, sciéntiam habet vocis. Ps. 67,2. Exsúrgat Deus, et dissipéntur inimíci ejus: et fúgiant, qui odérunt eum, a fácie ejus. ℣. Glória Patri.


Graduale. Ps. 32, 12 et 6. Beáta gens, cujus est Dóminus Deus eórum: pópulus, quem elégit Dóminus in hereditátem sibi. ℣.Verbo Dómini cœli firmáti sunt: et Spíritu oris ejus omnis virtus eórum.

Allelúja, allelúja. (Hic genuflectitur) ℣. Veni, Sancte Spíritus, reple tuórum corda fidélium: et tui amóris in eis ignem accénde. Allelúja.

Offertorium. Ps. 67, 29-30. Confírma hoc, Deus, quod operátus es in nobis: a templo tuo, quod est in Jerúsalem, tibi ófferent reges múnera. 

Communio. Act. 2, 2 et 4. Factus est repénte de cælo sonus tamquam adveniéntis spíritus veheméntis, ubi erant sedéntes: et repléti sunt omnes Spíritu Sancto, loquéntes magnália Dei. 

