Since who knows when; the bushtits seem unbothered by the bright sunlight's absence and are being their usual chatty selves. Today is celebrated the Commemoratio Sanctae Mariae in Sabbato in the older Kalendarium but in the newer it is the feast of Pope Saint Pius X, a true defender of the Faith who was also, however, the first Pontiff in the modern era to begin messing about with the Liturgy, perpetrating a certain amount of nonsense. And now the wrens have had their chorus and return to their seats.
The Mass of Saint Pius is Extuli electum de populo.
Ps 88:20-22
Extuli eléctum de pópulo, óleo sancto meo unxi eum: ut manus mea sit semper cum eo, et brácchium meum confírmet eum.
Ps. 88:2
Grátias Dómini in ætérnum cantábo: per omnes generatiónes annuntiábo fidelitátem tuam ore meo.
V. Glória Patri, et Fílio, et Spirítui Sancto.
R. Sicut erat in princípio, et nunc, et semper, et in sǽcula sæculórum. Amen.
Extuli eléctum de pópulo, óleo sancto meo unxi eum: ut manus mea sit semper cum eo, et brácchium meum confírmet eum.
Having noted that, the celebrant at Saint-Eugène is saying the Mass Adeamus, marking the First Saturday of September, commemorating Saint Pius. Adeamus cum fiducia ad thronum gratiae ut misericordiam consequamur....
The Gradual Exsultabit cor meum in salutari tuo.
The Alleluia Magnificat anima mea Dominum.
The antiphona ad Offertorium.
And the ad Communionem.
And will insert the video recording here but then it is time for toast and a second cup of tea.
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