And no sighting of Dawn, who was doubtless grumpy, as is Phoebus also, apparently. The clouds seem the fat rain-bearing sort but we shall see about that. Today is the feast in Dedicatione Sancti Michaelis Archangelis ('the Consecration of Saint Michael's Church', in the Old English Martyrology). The Mass Benedicite Dominum omnes Angeli eius will be live-streamed from Saint-Eugène in Paris beginning in about twenty minutes.
Errands being completed, I managed to detour into Internet hunting in re the Wade ceramic figurines that the Canadian Red Rose Tea people put into their boxes of tea. I have a Sydney Opera House (a very, very pale blue), two Golden Gate Bridges (a splendid red), and today's delight, a lovely shade of green... but I don't know what it is meant to be; it appears to be a castle keep with battlements. Tweeted to the Red Rose folks; I figure it's going to be embarrassing that I failed to identify the monument but I'd rather be embarrassed and know rather than remain embarrassed in my not knowing. They, in cooperation with Wade's in England, have been doing this for over fifty years.
I do remember when it was 'a thing' for manufacturers to include premiums of one sort or another in their products' containers. The one I can recall at the moment is the tiny toys in the boxes of Cracker Jacks-- I have no idea if that still happens. Breakfast cereal boxes, also, had premiums included, sometimes; I remember impatiently consuming bowl after bowl of some variety or another in order to more quickly reach the 'prize'. Corn Pops, perhaps.
Ah, Dr Ratovondrahety is at the organ this morning. And Pater Thomas SJ looks to be celebrant.
Introitus. Ps. 102, 20. Benedícite Dóminum, omnes Angeli ejus: poténtes virtúte, qui fácitis verbum ejus, ad audiéndam vocem sermónum ejus. Ps. ibid., 1. Benedic, ánima mea. Dómino: et ómnia, quæ intra me sunt, nómini sancto ejus. V. Glória Patri.
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