Which I always love to celebrate; I spent five years in and out of a parish church dedicated to Saint Agnes. Am now on to Prime; I took the first walk of the day earlier, to the supermarket (unusually-- the ordinary first walk is 1.2 miles in a loop in this neighborhood; this first walk was registered as 2 miles by the app on my mobile telephone) for salt (ran out yesterday after having meant to buy some more or less a dozen times over the past fortnight), in order to have that errand out of the way before Holy Mass is streamed at 1000. At Saint-Eugène, a Requiem is being celebrated on the anniversary of the martyrdom of King Louis XVI; am pleased to see this, to see this custom continued in the (fairly) new pastorate of M. Durodié.
The Requiem of André Campra (composed circa 1723) is being sung, marvellously, with the appropriate violins and violoncello.
The De profundis clamavi of Michel-Richard de Lalande is a beautiful motet, some passages of which are being sung at the Communion.
I see that the Requiem pro rege Ludovico has been sung since at least 2013 at Saint-Eugène.
Pater Jean-François Thomas SJ is reading the Testament prior to delivering his (as always) most excellent sermon (or, more properly in French, I guess, prône, from the verb prôner, to advocate for, to extol, to preach). This is the first time I've seen Pater Thomas at Saint-Eugène since Canon Guelfucci's departure; I had wondered about his continuing welcome there (or absence thereof) one day only last week.
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