Haven't even checked the weather mages' page...

Yet, although I have said the Night Office and am about to eat my first breakfast of toast and tea.  

Dr Kwasniewski posted yesterday about the Martyrology and his own compilation (a litany for private use) of children who are saints therein. I looked earlier at two versions (indirectly suggested by Dr Kwasnieski) of the more recent edition of the Martyrologium Romanum (2004, perhaps)-- one in French and the other in Spanish (pdf)-- that are online. Sometimes I need to have the hammer cracked into my skull-- of course the new Martyrology is arranged according to the Pauline Rite calendar. I haven't yet investigated to see if saints suppressed from that Kalendarium Romanum (Saint Christopher being the only name I can think of) none the less remain in the Martyrology. (I notice that Saint Geneviève certainly does, the feast being yesterday-- I have 4th January open-- and her feast is not celebrated in the Pauline Calendar.) The saints are arranged for each day of the year more or less chronologically, which is a useful feature-- although it does presuppose that the historians have gotten their dates right. 

Having the Spanish version on my machina in pdf and the French version available online provides the answer to the question, ought I to buy a copy of the new edition (some hundred dollars, as I recall). When I win the lottery, then. But I can buy a copy of the last edition of the Martyrology previous to the imposition of the Pauline Rite.

+ + +

Post Primam. I checked in the Spanish version of the Martyrologium under the date 25th July and Saint Christopher does indeed remain, noted in one short line. 

2. En Licia, san Cristóbal, mártir (s. inc.).

'S. inc.' means, 'century uncertain'; in any case, he is placed after the Apostle Saint James (1st century) and before the next saint (4th century) whose name I neglected to notice. Such are the remnants left to us by History (or, at least, by its contemporary writers)!  

