The feast of the blessed martyrs of Angers... on January 31, 2022 Domus Festo Sancti Ignatii Episcopi et Martyris +
The text of Pater Thomas SJ's sermon... on January 25, 2022 Anniversary of King Louis XVI Domus Le Blog du Maître-Chat Lully Marc-Antoine Charpentier Pater Jean-François Thomas SJ St-Eugène-Ste-Cécile +
The Gloria is begun... on January 23, 2022 Charles Gounod Dominica IIIa post Epiphaniam Domus Marc-Antoine Charpentier St-Eugène-Ste-Cécile +
This is the very foggy morning of the feast of Saint Agnes... on January 21, 2022 André Campra Anniversary of King Louis XVI Domus Festo Sanctae Agnetis Virginis Martyris Marc-Antoine Charpentier Michel-Richard de Lalande Pater Jean-François Thomas SJ St-Eugène-Ste-Cécile +
Today is the second Sunday in Epiphany... on January 16, 2022 Ad Jesum accurrite Dominica IIa post Epiphaniam Domus Requiem Mass for King Louis XVI Ritus Ambrosianus St-Eugène-Ste-Cécile Stichera +
A beautiful day today although it began rather more... on January 12, 2022 Die VIIa infra Octavam Epiphaniae Domini Domus Leoninus Organum +
Adorabunt eum omnes reges terrae, omnes gentes servient ei... on January 09, 2022 Domus Festo Epiphaniae Domini Guillaume-Gabriel Nivers Jean-Baptiste Lully Louis-Claude d'Aquin Marc-Antoine Charpentier Messe de Minuit pour Noël H 9 St-Eugène-Ste-Cécile +
Haven't yet been out for a walk but the weather mages... on January 06, 2022 Domus Festo Epiphaniae Domini Saint Mary's Shrine in Warrington +
Haven't even checked the weather mages' page... on January 04, 2022 Domus Festo Sancti Christophori Martyris Martyrologium Romanum Octava Sanctorum Innocentium +
Strong winds and rain overnight... on January 03, 2022 Domus Festo Sanctae Genovefae Virginis Octava Sancti Ioannis Apostoli et Evangelistae St-Eugène-Ste-Cécile +
Today is the feast of the Most Holy Name of Jesus... on January 02, 2022 Domus Festo Sanctissimi Nominis Iesu Sancti Bernardi Abbatis Confessoris et Ecclesiae Doctoris St-Eugène-Ste-Cécile +
Benedices coronae anni benignitatis tuae! on January 01, 2022 2022 Domus Jan Dismas Zelenka Le Blog du Maître-Chat Lully +