Morning; I didn't go out for my 1st walk until after 0600 (and between the Hours here and Vespers from Saint-Eugène I haven't gotten to breakfast yet... at 0945). There was some confusion about the time Mass was being streamed and consequently I missed it-- but am about to rectify that. While I breakfast.
M. le Curé, in the news and announcements before the sermon, mentioned those cursed Responsa ad dubia; I missed most of what he said, being in and out of the kitchen. I suspect it was all of the sort 'trust in God and pray the great Mother of God and all the saints for a good resolution for Saint-Eugène'-- what else can be said in his position for the time being?
A chant recognisable but not immediately identifiable was sung after the homily and before the Credo but I didn't catch the incipit... ah-- the conductus, the conduit, Sol sub nube latuit. It is quite lovely.
One of the hymns at Communion is Veni, veni Emmanuel, which is of the 18th century. We are near enough to the great feast to be singing it! Nobody needs to be reminded that its text is assembled from the titles of Our Lord signalized in the great 'O' antiphons at Vespers.
The Communion proper.
Ecce, Virgo * concípiet, et páriet fílium : et vocábitur nomen ejus Emmánuel.
The 9th century antiphon to Our Lady sung at Vespers for today is the one included in yesterday's Office of the feast of the Expectation of Our Lady, 'O Virgo virginum... Divinum est mysterium hoc quod cernitis'.
O Virgo virginum, quomodo fiet istud? quia nec primam similem visa es, nec habere sequentem. Filiae Jerusalem, quid me admiramini? Divinum est mysterium hoc quod cernitis.
The melody, the ton, is shared with the great, the O, antiphons of Vespers (I hasten to add, in some way that is without my competence to describe, probably).
And for the final time this season.
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