And a version, polyphonie de Virgile Le Blanc (1592), of the Advent hymn Conditor alme siderum before the Asperges (the O Salutaris at the Elevation is also adapted to this polyphonie of Le Blanc). Was reading, only yesterday, a discussion about the Asperges in the Pauline Rite-- whether it can be sung, when it can be sung, et cetera. Rather a melancholy reflexion of the impoverished not to say barren landscape in that liturgical world.
Populus Sion, * ecce Dóminus véniet ad salvándas gentes: et audítam fáciet Dóminus glóriam vocis suæ in lætítia cordis vestri. Ps. Qui regis Israël, inténde: * qui dedúcis velut ovem Joseph. V/. Glória Patri.
From M. le Curé's announcements before the homily, I managed to understand that there is to be a wedding today and that M. Ratovondrahety, the organist, is up to something and can be contacted about it. Not a successful listen.
Before and after the sermon, the Schola is singing Sol sub nube latuit by Gauthier de Châtillon, sometime chancellor of Reims and canon of Amiens. The setting is from the Magnus Liber Organi (i.e. of organum) de Graduali et Antiphonario pro servitio divino from the school of Notre-Dame in the 12th-13th centuries.
Regnántem sempitérnaPer sæcla susceptúraCóncio, devóte cóncrepa :Fáctóri reddéndo débita :Quem júbilant ágmina cœlica, éjus vúltu exhilaráta :Quem exspéctant ómnia térrea, éjus nútu examinándaDistríctum ad judícia :Cleméntem in poténtia.Túa nos sálva, Chríste, cleméntia, propter quos pássus es díra.Ad póli ástra súbleva nítida, qui sórde térgis sæcula.Influe sálus véra,effuga perícula.Omnia ut sint munda tríbue pacífica :Ut hic túa sálvi misericórdia,Læti régna post adeámus súpera :Quo régnas sæcula per infiníta. Amen.
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