Of some species soaring about, presumably hunting. Two turkeys, too: a juvenile tom in one yard and a hen in another. The others of the flock were browsing elsewhere, I reckon; out of sight, in any case.
Today is the feast of St Félix de Valois, Confessor. I don't usually link to the transmissions of the FSSPX but happened to notice this in progress and, eh, why not.
Tomorrow is the feast of the martyr Bishop Saint Eugene, heavenly patron of the Church and Parish of Saint-Eugène-Sainte-Cécile: the Mass Gaudeamus omnes by François Cosset ('one of the favorite Masses of Louis XIV') will be sung. And on Monday, the feast of the virgin Saint Cecilia, also patroness of the Parish, the Mass will be livestreamed, too. The libelli aren't at the YouTube site yet for linking but the program for tomorrow is at Liturgia. I remember the Mozarabic rite Psallendum, from the books of the Cathedral of Toledo, from last year.
In the Pauline Rite, tomorrow is the feast of Christ the King, the last Sunday of the year. It is particularly unfortunate that the Pauline Calendar and the Traditional Calendar celebrate this great feast on different Sundays, both rationales having their merits. The ending of the liturgical year presents to us the end of the world and the dissolution of this age. From the 24th chapter of the Gospel according to Saint Matthew, verses 15-35.
In illo témpore: Dixit Jesus discípulis suis: Cum vidéritis abominatiónem desolatiónis, quæ dicta est a Daniéle Prophéta, stantem in loco sancto: qui legit, intélligat: tunc qui in Judǽa sunt, fúgiant ad montes: et qui in tecto, non descéndat tóllere áliquid de domo sua: et qui in agro, non revertátur tóllere túnicam suam. Væ autem prægnántibus et nutriéntibus in illis diébus. Oráte autem, ut non fiat fuga vestra in híeme vel sábbato. Erit enim tunc tribulátio magna, qualis non fuit ab inítio mundi usque modo, neque fiet. Et nisi breviáti fuíssent dies illi, non fíeret salva omnis caro: sed propter eléctos breviabúntur dies illi. Tunc si quis vobis díxerit: Ecce, hic est Christus, aut illic: nolíte crédere. Surgent enim pseudochrísti et pseudoprophétæ, et dabunt signa magna et prodígia, ita ut in errórem inducántur-- si fíeri potest-- étiam elécti. Ecce, prædíxi vobis. Si ergo díxerint vobis: Ecce, in desérto est, nolíte exíre: ecce, in penetrálibus, nolíte crédere. Sicut enim fulgur exit ab Oriénte et paret usque in Occidéntem: ita erit et advéntus Fílii hóminis. Ubicúmque fúerit corpus, illic congregabúntur et áquilæ. Statim autem post tribulatiónem diérum illórum sol obscurábitur, et luna non dabit lumen suum, et stellæ cadent de cælo, et virtútes cœlórum commovebúntur: et tunc parébit signum Fílii hóminis in cœlo: et tunc plangent omnes tribus terræ: et vidébunt Fílium hóminis veniéntem in núbibus cæli cum virtúte multa et majestáte. Et mittet Angelos suos cum tuba et voce magna: et congregábunt eléctos ejus a quátuor ventis, a summis cœlórum usque ad términos eórum. Ab árbore autem fici díscite parábolam: Cum jam ramus ejus tener fúerit et fólia nata, scitis, quia prope est æstas: ita et vos cum vidéritis hæc ómnia, scitóte, quia prope est in jánuis. Amen, dico vobis, quia non præteríbit generátio hæc, donec ómnia hæc fiant. Cœlum et terra transíbunt, verba autem mea non præteríbunt.
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