Counted 42 turkeys when I was out earlier...

And their crossing Cal Young Road in the mornings must be a semi-regular one (why? who knows [I meant, why do they need to cross the road, although why they do it semi-regularly is a good question, too]). On the return leg of my walk, I was on their side of the road, and with all of them parading down it and the adjacent sidewalk, waiting for the opportunity to cross (I reckon), I wasn't quite sure if I ought to simply walk through their midst, or try to sidle along the outer edge of it-- two of the toms were displaying their tail feathers and if I didn't exactly cower behind two small traffic signs and a pile of yard debris I made myself as still as possible, ha. After five minutes or so they crossed the road without incident and I continued on my way. Would have been an appropriate occasion to pull out the mobile and photograph the poultry but this occurred to me too late. A beautiful Dawn with the Moon descending in the western sky; all of the past couple of days' dense fog has vanished. 

The Mass for Saint Cecilia's feast has begun; and it's a good thing that I had the page open at the YouTube site since I had gone soundly to sleep in my chair: walking in the chilly air does nothing more certainly than sending me sleep at the drop of a hat. The Schola is singing the Mass Gaudeamus omnes of François Cosset today also. 

At the Communion, a motet from the collection, Appendix ad Graduale Romanum sive cantiones aliquot sacræ, quæ ante, sub & post Missam sæpe cantari solent, published at Amsterdam in 1769. 

Festa nunc solémnia,
Celebrat Ecclésia, Alleluia,
Vírginis perfúlgidæ,
Mártyris Cæcíliæ, Alleluia, Alleluia.

In benesonántibus
Cymbalis et fístulis, Alleluia,
Deo dat Cæcília
Laudes & præcónia, Alleluia, Alleluia.

Cánite Archángeli,
Atque omnes Angeli, Alleluia,
Collaudáte cœlites
Jésulum unánimes, Alleluia, Alleluia.

Io : gaude pláudito
Cánite Altíssimo, Alleluia,
In Cordis & Organo,
Benedicámus Dómino, Alleluia, Alleluia.

Lovely. I see that today's Domine, salvam fac Galliam was 'added to Collet's Gaudeamus omnes by Sébastien Brossard'-- I may or may not re-listen to yesterday's version to see if this is, as it were, a correction of the yesterday's livret's attribution to Collet himself or if there are versions by both composers.

Holy Mass being completed, I'm off for another two miles of walking... and (if I can remember to put a mask in one of my pockets) perhaps a pre-dinner cappuccino.

I did remember the mask but the café is closed on Mondays, tsk. 

Dr Althouse doesn't much appreciate encouraging commenter 'rhhardin', so I'll put this here. He commented earlier today on this post:

Diversity training worked with me. I was uninvited to mandatory annual sessions.

