Yet another splendid Dawn...

And, at 45 degrees F., a precursor of the wet Autumn weather that is predicted by the mages to come rolling in ("strong, wet cold fronts") later in the week-- there was issued a 'special weather statement' apprising us of this. I must find my rain jacket and galoshes. It is the feast of the Exaltation of the Most Holy Cross (Introibo, CE, Wikipedia) and the 7th day infra Octavam Nativitatis Beatae Virginis Mariae although it occurs to me that I've neglected to note this here in the last couple of days. Tomorrow's feast of Our Lady's Sorrows was fixed on the 15th because it is Octave of her Nativity. The Mass is Nos autem gloriari oportet

Nos autem gloriári opórtet in Cruce Dómini nostri Iesu Christi : in quo est salus, vita et resurréctio nostra : per quem salváti et liberáti sumus.

Ps. 66, 2.

Deus misereátur nostri, et benedícat nobis : illúminet vultum suum super nos, et misereátur nostri.

I'm listening to the monks of the Abbey of Chevetogne singing the Office of the feast; my knowledge of the Byzantine Liturgy is woefully superficial. Perhaps the remedying of this lacuna ought to be a project in the coming year, so quickly approaching.

The Eastern Orthodox and Eastern Catholics also commemorate the Procession of the Precious Wood of the Life-giving Cross of Jesus Christ on August 1, which is also the first day of the Dormition Fast.... It is the first of three 'Feasts of the Saviour' in the month of August, the other two being the Transfiguration (August 6) and that of the Icon of Christ 'Not Made by Hands' (August 16). Because of the blessing of holy water, this holy day is sometimes called 'Saviour of the Water'. There may also be celebrated on this day the Rite of Blessing New Honey, for which reason the day is also referred to as the feast of the 'Saviour of the Honey'. 
The Wikipedia article contains that paragraph, which brought to mind for some odd reason, memory being quirky and mysterious, Ned Poins calling Prince Harry 'my good sweet honey lord'. I wonder if my memory recalls the text accurately-- I haven't read the Henry plays for decades alas. "Now, my good sweet honey lord, ride with us tomorrow. I have a jest to execute that I cannot manage alone."

Venantius Fortunatus's Pange lingua gloriosi proelium certaminis, from Matins.

Post Tertiam. Am following Holy Mass from Saint-Eugène. M. Durodié is homilizing from the ambo, the lower pulpit; no idea how the French language distinguishes between the two. In any event, this is the first instance of 'newness' I've noticed, apart from the hatlessness. Pater Thomas SJ, on weekdays, doesn't ascend to the pulpit, either, I having reflected on my nonsense realize, nor does he remove the chasuble, I think. The hatlessness remains notable. He didn't doff the chasuble, either, which I take to be a sign that he was intent on a 'weekday homily'. The Schola now proceeds with Henry du Mont's Messe Royale on the 1st tone. They will sing the Vexilla Regis prodeunt during the incensation of the altar at the Offertory in the arrangement of Anthoine de Bertrand (1530-1581), translated by Michel de Marolles, abbé de Villeloin, in the 17th century-- it proved to be a lovely version of the Vexilla Regis! New to me was the recessional La Croix ouvre l’entrée au trône de la gloire, based on a text of the Imitation of Christ versified by Pierre Corneille (1606-1684); the melody is Charles Gounod's, arranged for 4 voices by Dr de Villiers. 

Tomorrow Holy Mass is also livestreamed, the Mass Stabant iuxta Crucem for the Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows. 

Post Nonam. A splendid sermon and an English translation for today's feast from 'Notkerus' at Canticum Salomonis. A sentence or two. 

... On account of the wood, our first parent plunged into the open main of this world as it were into a ship-wrecking whirlpool, and the ravenous Leviathan swallowed the whole human race-- a cruel death! Then did our Redeemer raise the standard of the Holy Cross and tie up the foe’s scaly maws with the hook of his flesh, so that pierced with the point of the life-giving wood, that vile beast of prey vomited up those he had gulped because of the forbidden wood....

Hmm; the video recording of Holy Mass from Saint-Eugène isn't at YouTube.

It is also the feast of Saint Placilla (4th century), of Saint Maternus (4th century), and of Saint Odilardus (8th century).

V. Et álibi aliórum plurimórum sanctórum Mártyrum et Confessórum, atque sanctárum Vírginum. R. Deo grátias.

