Still an hour before Dawn although not an hour before her...

Shapely fingers reach into the eastern skies. One of these days (I tell myself) I will sit down and learn the difference between the several dawns (i.e. the one that my iPad says occurs in 80 minutes, nautical dawn, and so forth) but since I haven't done this yet, as I near 64 years of age, no one should wager overmuch on my resolution. Today is a ferial Saturday so the day is kept as the Commemoration of Our Lady, observed at Mass (Introibo) and in the Office.

Antiphona ad Introitum
Salve, sancta Parens, eníxa puérpera Regem : qui cælum terrámque regit in sǽcula sæculórum. 

Ps. 44, 2.
Eructávit cor meum verbum bonum : dico ego ópera mea Regi. 

V/.Glória Patri.


Am only now noticing the 'air quality alert' on the weather mages' app on the iPad. Since I've been breathing smoky air for at least a couple of days I'm figuring that the 'alert' has simply gone unnoticed. Eh. It's supposed to end today at 1700. And have just realized I have to go out today, don't I, on the bus to get to Holy Mass at 1730. I wonder if I may not be suffering too much from the residual smoke to go out into it for two and a half hours... I doubt that even I can convince myself that there's any truth there. Now to Prime. And I also realize that I ought to have gone out to the supermarket this morning since Mass from Saint-Eugène at 0200 will be confusing my morning tomorrow. Sigh. 

The fast waning crescent of the Moon is an even lovelier shade of red this morning. The growing light of Dawn and it are sharing the sky for another half an hour, perhaps. Now to Prime, tsk.

Post Primam. The Moon has now taken on the ivory color more proper to her, preparatory to fading from the sky as Dawn advances. At some point during the last five or six minutes the Moon disappeared from the sky; was attempting to see it vanish but alas Venus cloacina summoned me away from my window.

Ante Nonam. Am already fussing about, having to leave to go to Mass in three hours or so. The Gospel for the 23rd Sunday in tempore per annum is from the 7th chapter of Saint Mark, verses 31-37. 
Et iterum exiens de finibus Tyri, venit per Sidonem ad mare Galilææ inter medios fines Decapoleos. Et adducunt ei surdum, et mutum, et deprecabantur eum, ut imponat illi manum. Et apprehendens eum de turba seorsum, misit digitos suos in auriculas ejus: et exspuens, tetigit linguam ejus: et suscipiens in cælum, ingemuit, et ait illi: Ephphetha, quod est, Adaperire. Et statim apertæ sunt aures ejus, et solutum est vinculum linguæ ejus, et loquebatur recte. Et præcepit illis ne cui dicerent. Quanto autem eis præcipiebat, tanto magis plus prædicabant: et eo amplius admirabantur, dicentes: Bene omnia fecit: et surdos fecit audire, et mutos loqui.
Then he set out again from the region of Tyre, and came by way of Sidon to the sea of Galilee, right into the region of Decapolis. And they brought to him a man who was deaf and dumb, with the prayer that he would lay his hand upon him. And he took him aside out of the multitude; he put his fingers into his ears, and spat, and touched his tongue; then he looked up to heaven, and sighed; Ephpheta, he said, (that is, Be opened). Whereupon his ears were opened, and the bond which tied his tongue was loosed, and he talked plainly. And he laid a strict charge on them, not to speak of it to anyone; but the more he charged them, the more widely they published it, and were more than ever astonished; He has done well, they said, in all his doings; he has made the deaf hear, and the dumb speak.

Post Nonam. I see that the new pastor at Saint-Eugène is called Julien Durodié; he has been vicar at the parish of Our Lady's Assumption in the 16e arrondissement, near the Bois de Boulogne, at Passy. He is on Facebook.  

It is also the feast of Saint Rosalia (12th century), of Saint Ultan (7th century), and of Saint Candida (1st century).

V. Et álibi aliórum plurimórum sanctórum Mártyrum et Confessórum, atque sanctárum Vírginum. R. Deo grátias.

