Dawn, well, before 'official Dawn'; a glow in the East not due to the lights of Coburg Road will begin much sooner than that. It is the feast of the virgin Saint Rose of Lima (Introibo, CE, Wiki); that of the martyrs Saints Felix and Adauctus (Introibo, CE, Wiki) is commemorated.
Ante Primam. A grey, solidly overcast morning. The mages say that it's clearing up at noontime, though.
Post Sextam. There is a gradual lightening of the skies now, at noon, but we're not yet to the 'clear sky' the mages promised. A bacon, lettuce, and tomato sandwich in a bit. At the supermarket Saturday or Sunday, I thought about an avocado to add to this. Then I reminded myself that, as much as I like the idea of avocado and the body, I suppose, that it adds to salads, sandwiches etc, the peculiar taste is offensive to my palate. Avocado, beet, cooked greens....
It is also the feast of Saint Bononius (11th century), of Saint Margaret (16th century), and of Saint Theodosius (9th century).
V. Et álibi aliórum plurimórum sanctórum Mártyrum et Confessórum, atque sanctárum Vírginum. R. Deo grátias.
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