Another quietly splendid Autumn day in...

Late Summer. Today is the feast of Pope Saint Zephyrinus (Introibo, CE, Wiki), evidently considered a martyr because of his sufferings for the sake of the Faith. Pius XII appointed the Mass Si diligis me (from the Common of Supreme Pontiffs) to replace Sacerdotes Dei (from the Common of Martyrs)-- the Roman concession that, yes, the title 'martyr' is not actually merited in Pope Saint Zephyrinus's case. Apparently, the actual date of his birth to the heavenly glories is December 20th, ahem; the feast is suppressed altogether in the Pauline Rite Kalendar-- giving those fellows the benefit of the doubt (not at all merited but...) I suppose it may not have been wanted to 'clutter' the observance of the last days of Advent (the 20th is the Vigil of Saint Thomas... but in the Pauline Rite the vigils of the Apostles, with the exception of that of Saints Peter and Paul, are also suppressed, I think). Eh. 

Post Tertiam. Yesterday's recital in Warsaw by Yulianna Avdeeva at the Chopin and His Europe festival was exceptionally fine. Chopin, Szpilman, Weinberg, Bach, Rachmaninov. 

It is also the feast of Saint Alexander (4th century), of Saint Alexander (1st century), and of Saint Melchisedech (2nd millennium ante Christum).

V. Et álibi aliórum plurimórum sanctórum Mártyrum et Confessórum, atque sanctárum Vírginum. R. Deo grátias.

