Another beautiful morning, an occasional breeze...

And the temperature is 57-- first time in a few days that it has been below 60. The mages' prediction for this afternoon has alternated between 90 and 89 for the last ninety minutes. It is the feast of the discovery (the inventio) of the relics of Saint Stephen Protomartyr (Introibo). Since the feast was suppressed by John XXIII I'm guessing that the Introit, Sedérunt príncipes, et advérsum me loquebántur, won't show up at YouTube although I don't off the top of my head know what the Introit for the Mass for December 26th is-- it is indeed the case that the same Mass is said for both feasts of Saint Stephen, the major one with an octave in December and then today's. Unfortunately, the recording of the entire proper (the second video infra) is done by a gentleman solo who voice is.... less than perfect. The first is a recording of the Communion, Video caelos apertos.

It is also the feast of Saint Martinus (6th century), of Saint Euphronius (5th century), and of Saint Peter (12th century).

V. Et álibi aliórum plurimórum sanctórum Mártyrum et Confessórum, atque sanctárum Vírginum. R. Deo grátias.

