I'm too chilly and have had to close the window, tsk. Sunrise is three quarters of an hour away but Dawn is making herself evident in the eastern skies-- which are putatively clear. Today is the 4th day infra Octavam Assumptionis Beatissimae Virginis (Introibo), and the feast of the martyr Saint Agapitus (Introibo, Wiki) which is commemorated in the Roman Kalendar. I am confused about why, when I said Lauds earlier, there was no commemoration of Saint Agapitus provided by Divinum Officium i.e. why this commemoration only appears there in the Kalendars of 1955 and 1960. Pius XII suppressed the Octave from 1955 but surely the commemoration ought to have been made even when the Octave was kept e.g. in the Roman Missal of 1570. Leo IV added the Octave in Rome in 847. Hmm. This page at Wikipedia indicates that the Pian Kalendar does keep the commemoration of Saint Agapitus; the lack of it is simply an oversight at Divinum Officium, I reckon.
Charpentier's motet for the Assumption, H 353.
It is also the feast of Saint Helen (4th century), of Saint Eonius (6th century), and of Saint Agapitus (3rd century).
V. Et álibi aliórum plurimórum sanctórum Mártyrum et Confessórum, atque sanctárum Vírginum. R. Deo grátias.
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