The Moon's waning crescent...

In the Dawn sky was splendid; now, at 0545, Phoebus's progress is rendering it almost invisible. In the Traditional Calendar after 1911, it is the feast of the Confessor Saint Antonio Maria Zaccari (Introibo, CE, Wiki) with the commemoration of the Octava of Saints Peter and Paul. I myself prayed Matins from the Tridentine Office before moving to Lauds from the post-1911 books, the Octave continuing the lessons' meditation on the calling and mission of the Princes of the Apostles-- Saints Maximus and Jerome this morning, Saints John Chrysostom and Jerome tomorrow on the Octave itself. 

Am not finding any of the parts of the Mass Sermo meus et praedicatio mea via the simple search at YT so, pft. This is Sunday's Introit, Dóminus fortitudo plebis suæ.

It is also the feast of Saint Thomas (11th century), of Saint Cyprilla (4th century), and of Saint Febronia (4th century).

V. Et álibi aliórum plurimórum sanctórum Mártyrum et Confessórum, atque sanctárum Vírginum. R. Deo grátias. 

