That the Pope has abrogated his predecessor Benedictus XVI's Summorum Pontificum. An utter catastrophe.
The entirety of Gregory DiPippo's post at New Liturgical Movement earlier, but my emphasis.
Commentary will be issued later today, after prayer, a good long walk, and a lot of coffee. We must redouble our prayers for Pope Francis, whose whole papacy, every smile, every hug of a disabled person, every exhortation to mercy, will be stained for the rest of history by this unprecedented and absolutely gratuitous act of pastoral cruelty, the revocation of Summorum Pontificum.
This Super flumina Babylonis, H 170, of Marc-Antoine Charpentier, seems fitting today.
Dom Hugh Somerville Knapman, a Benedictine monk in England, has never celebrated the Traditional Mass. An excellent essay.
... This is an extraordinary development, if you will pardon the pun. Implicitly the claim is being made that the goodness of something is dependent on its context. In this case, the old Mass was good in the “old days” (all 1400+ years of them) but is not good for today, and so cannot be countenanced in the modern Church. It is the liturgical expression of situational ethics, and the relativisation of absolute truth. Thus you get the neat little trick by which the Bidens and Pelosis of the world can claim to be Catholic while denying Catholic truth. Truth must be adaptable to individuals’ particular situations. It is a short step to the nonsense that we each have our own truth. Logically the conclusion is inevitable: Christ is not the Truth, but a truth, a way not the Way. Whatever it is, this is not Christianity in any authentic sense.
I have had approximately half a dozen fits of apoplexy today at various bits of nonsense connected with Traditionis custodes, figuratively speaking. Wolves pretending to be shepherds, serpents in the grass, intellectual nonsense of the first order. Tsk.
It is also the feast of Saint Elvira (12th century), of Blessed Arnoldus (12th century), and of Saint Valentinus (4th century).
V. Et álibi aliórum plurimórum sanctórum Mártyrum et Confessórum, atque sanctárum Vírginum. R. Deo grátias.
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