Only the crow, a juvenile squirrel, and the occasional jays. I suppose that the others have food to find elsewhere, or, as has crossed my mind, the crow's daily attendance has perhaps intimidated the crowd. 90 or almost that, later on (it is before 0600-- am well chilled at the moment); I think yesterday it made it to 88 or 89. It is the Octave of Saints Peter and Paul (Introibo); the Mass is Sapiéntiam Sanctórum narrent pópuli.
The Office at Matins, from the books of Pius V in 1570, includes lessons from the First Epistle of the Apostle to the Corinthians, from Saint John Chrysostom, and from Saint Jerome. Pius X in Divino afflatu (1911) suppressed the Pauline lessons in favor of the continuation of the seasonal lectio from Second Kings and of course Pius XII suppressed the Octave altogether. The antiphona ad offertorium, Exsultabunt sancti in gloria, the only other part of the Mass I can find at YT with a simple search from this page.
Ante Sextam. Am reading Charles Arminjon's Fin du monde présent et mystères de la vie future in the English version of Susan Conroy and Peter McEnerny; it is a good day for it.
Bonum mihi quia humiliásti me: ut discam justificatiónes tuas. Bonum mihi lex oris tui, super míllia auri et argénti.
It is also the feast of Saint Goar (6th century), of Saint Sexberga (7th century), and of Saint Tranquillinus (3rd century).
V. Et álibi aliórum plurimórum sanctórum Mártyrum et Confessórum, atque sanctárum Vírginum. R. Deo grátias.
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