People who don't rise to pray in the night...

Don't understand what they are missing, I think. It is the sixth Sunday post Octavam Pentecosten (Introibo), although at Saint-Eugène the 'external solemnity' of Saints Peter and Paul is being celebrated (Introibo). The Mass begins to stream at 0200, in a few minutes.

The celebrant of Holy Mass is M. l'abbé Charles Berger de Gallardo, FSSP, who is newly ordained to the sacred priesthood and had at some point as an adult (un grand clerc) served the altar at Saint-Eugène. He celebrated his first Mass yesterday, at Saint-Eugène.

The Schola will sing the sequence Te laudámus, o Regnátor, the text of which was written by Simon Gourdan (1646-1729) of the Abbey of Saint-Victor.

The hymn at the procession de sortie is Charles Gounod's 
Chantez, voix bénies, dans les sphères infinie (lyrics by Louis Gallet), which is the anthem of the Vatican City State; at any rate, the instrumental part is 'official'. 

The video recording of Vespers.

Post Tertiam. A morning for the piano. The Sunday recital from the Chopin Museum with the pianist Agnieszka Zahaczewska-Książek

And then out of the blue an email alerted me to a recital in Moscow by the pianist Lorenzo Bagnati-- Liszt, Brahms, Scriabin, Stravinsky. Never heard of the fellow of course but I haven't listened beyond Chopin for a few weeks and so will give it go. Faces, gruesome faces, alas, but that is a problem easily resolved. And there should be a second Chopin Institute recital, I think. 

It is also the feast of Saint Berta of Blangy (8th century), of King Saint Luarsab (17th century), and of Saint Andrew of Crete (8th century).

V. Et álibi aliórum plurimórum sanctórum Mártyrum et Confessórum, atque sanctárum Vírginum. R. Deo grátias. 

