Black and purple clouds at parts of the horizon but...

For the time being anyway it is yet another beautiful morning. Today's the feast of Saint Henry Emperor and Confessor (Introibo, CE, Wiki); in the Divino afflatu and John XXIII Calendars, anyway. The feast was put into the Roman Calendar by Urban VIII on the 13th, which is the true anniversary of his death, and I believe (there were a flurry of remembrances online of Saint Henry a couple of days ago) that the Pauline Calendar has restored his feast to that date. 

I hadn't realised that Dr Kwasniewski's article at Crisis the other day was an abridgement of his presentation at the Roman Forum at the beginning of the month (the summer event held this year in New York and not at Gardone, if I've kept that straight). Rorate Caeli has published the full text today (but it's at the Roman Forum site too, I think; the video is at Remnant's site).

... The claim that Paul VI’s Missale Romanum of 1969 (the “Novus Ordo”) is, or belongs to, the same rite as the Missale Romanum last codified in 1962—or, more plainly, that the Novus Ordo may be called “the Roman rite” of the Mass—cannot withstand critical scrutiny, nor can this claim be sustained for any two liturgical books, Vetus and Novus. Never before in the history of the Roman Church have there been two “forms” or “uses” of the same local liturgical rite, simultaneously and with equal canonical status. That Pope Benedict could say that the older use had never been abrogated proves that Paul VI’s liturgy is something novel, rather than a mere revision of its precursor, since every earlier editio typica of the missal had simply replaced its predecessor....

It is a very long text with a touch of the ramble but well repays the reading. Late to Prime, tsk.

Post Vesperas. I had forgotten how much I enjoy trying to read at MesseinLatino, the Italian blog that does its best to defend the Traditional Liturgy amongst the quasi-heathen Italians. My reading Italian is far from fluent and there are many times when I am not sure whether or not the MiL authors are being ironic or facetious. This linked article is about the resignation of Mons Foys of Covington; more often than not, the Pope extends a prelate's possession of his see for a couple of years past his resignation by reason of age (donec aliter provideatur, until a successor is appointed)-- Rome being Rome, I've always figured that this has to do with the Congregation for Bishops being behind hand in settling on a candidate. Anyway, MiL suggests that the same-day appointment of Belleville Mons John Iffert as Mons Foys's successor had to do with Mons Foys's 'liturgical rigidity'. Who knows, of course; Mons Foys may be in failing health. But those of us who remain attached to the Traditional Liturgy know very well that there are plenty of vicious opponents in the Curia, in the Church of Italy, and elsewhere, and so I don't put anything past them, those reptiles. "Nè possiamo perscrutare la augusta mente del Papa"-- we don't pretend to know the august mind of the Pope: that was what prompted my going on about potential facetiousness, ha; it is more likely simply an expression of what is, in ordinary circumstances, the proper filial attitude toward Peter's Successor. Still; I myself would only write that phrase with a good dose of irony. 

It is also the feast of Saint Felix (4th century), of Saint Abudemius (4th century), and of Saint James (4th century).

V. Et álibi aliórum plurimórum sanctórum Mártyrum et Confessórum, atque sanctárum Vírginum. R. Deo grátias. 



  1. "Touch of the ramble" as Dr. Kwasniewski is often wont to do, but more than well "repays" as you note.


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