But I slept soundly after three or so, not waking until almost five. Tsk. It is a feria, and so Holy Mass today is Sunday's Mass, that of the 6th Sunday post Pentecosten, Dóminus fortitudo plebis suæ (Introibo).
The lessons at Matins continue to be from the Second Book of Kings and while I can't find recordings of the three responsoria, I did find Marc-Antoine Charpentier's setting of the text of the second one in the final chorus of his Mors Saulis et Ionathae H 403.
R. Montes Gélboë, nec ros nec plúvia véniant super vos,
* Ubi cecidérunt fortes Israël.
V. Omnes montes, qui estis in circúitu ejus, vísitet Dóminus: a Gélboë autem tránseat.
R. Ubi cecidérunt fortes Israël.
It is the feast of the Martyrs of Orange, 32 religious women murdered by the Revolution; here and here.
It is also the feast of Saint Joachim (19th century), of Saint Veronica (18th century), and of Saint Irma (19th century).
V. Et álibi aliórum plurimórum sanctórum Mártyrum et Confessórum, atque sanctárum Vírginum. R. Deo grátias.
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