Although the heavens remain quite clear of cloudiness and so Dawn was unspectacular, the better for Phoebus to make himself the center of attention in half an hour or so. It is the feast of the Confessor Saint Aloysius Gonzaga of the Society of Jesus (Introibo, CE, Wiki), Monday in the 4th week post Pentecosten. The Mass seems to be proper to Saint Aloysius; the Blessed Cardinal Ildefonso (cited at the Introibo page) notes, "la Messe se ressent de tous les défauts de la décadence de l’art liturgique au XVIIIème siècle. En compensation, elle ne manque ni de variété ni d’onction"-- the Mass betrays all the faults of the decadent liturgical art of the 18th century; the best that can be said about it is that its doesn't lack a certain variety or sentimental piety. Since YouTube doesn't seem to want to give up any of the actual parts of the Mass, this is a recording of Fernando Valente's setting of the text of the Communion, in a motet for the adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament. Who he is, I don't know. There was a Colombian singer of rancheras of this name, and there's no reason why he could not have also composed properly religious music. Hmm.
If after nine years at the helm in San Francisco-- and decades of enthusiastic pro-abortion advocacy by Pelosi-- Mons Cordileone is still allowing Pelosi to receive the Eucharist, then what really will another document produced by the USCCB bureaucracy do? It’s easy to see why most Catholics tune out this ecclesial body.
V. Et álibi aliórum plurimórum sanctórum Mártyrum et Confessórum, atque sanctárum Vírginum. R. Deo grátias.
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