And has continued since I've been awake. Dawn is hidden behind the clouds, alas, although I quite like the rainy morning. Have been listening to Holy Mass of the Most Sacred Heart since finishing with Lauds at about half past four.
Canon Guelfucci is doing announcements, and then Fr de Labarre will homilize. In fact, Mons N. homilized; my first reaction was that, well, Canon G. has finally been sacked. But since Confirmation is celebrated today, perhaps Mons N. has been prosing on about that and so forth.
A lovely hymn at the entrance of the clerics, the Cor, arca legem cóntinens, written by 'the Piarist Filippo Bruni (†1771) for the Office of the Sacred Heart decreed by Clément XIII in 1765'. The more often I hear the Alleluia-- the Tollite iugum meum that the Neumz writer damned with faint praise on Friday, the feast itself-- the more I appreciate it, whether this is because I reflexively dismiss nonsense coming from the perspective of the holy and glorious Pauline Rite, over-reacting, or because of the tone of righteous superiority adopted by the Neumz author (who is, doubtless, an expert in the chant, so far as that goes) or, perhaps, because I really do simply like the Tollite iugum meum, who knows. The sequence Fas sit, Christe, mystéria, from the Proper of Paris, eh-- it is wonderful that it is sung of course. And I've gotten used to the Schola and M. Ratovondrahety at the organ alternating strophes. I do wish, however, that whoever recites the text during the strophes of the organ would stop that. It looks as if M. Sebastien Robles, the lutenist/guitarist, whose name alas I cannot recall at the moment, was to have performed the Oremus of Francisco Tárrega; this didn't happen... perhaps that program note was meant for next Sunday when the 6th anniversary as pastor of Canon Guelfucci is celebrated and the 20th anniversary of the Schola Sainte-Cécile. And the 'simple versions' of the Sanctus, Benedictus, and Agnus Dei from Charpentier's Messe à quatre choeurs were trialed again this Sunday. The Benedictus seems to be a bit tricky.
V. Et álibi aliórum plurimórum sanctórum Mártyrum et Confessórum, atque sanctárum Vírginum. R. Deo grátias.
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