A beautiful morning of clear skies and...

Birds chattering and whatnot-- lovely tea after my morning walk, a shower, and catching up the Office. It is the Wednesday infra Octavam, the sixth day of it (Introibo) or, in the so-called 'Extraordinary Form', the Wednesday in the 3rd week post Pentecosten (Introibo). 

Have screwed up the formatting but, eh, am not going to fuss with it any longer.

It is the feast of Saint Colman of Reachrainn (6th century), of Saint Lutgarda (13th century), and of Saints Griciniana and Actinea of Volterra (4th century). And, in certain places, the feast of the Jesuit Confessor Jean-François Régis. A remarkable and very sad comparison of the Basilica of St Jean-François Régis at La Louvesc pre- and post-imposition of the Pauline Rite was published here. The major points are covered in the essay but what struck me most as I read this morning were the god-awful chairs they've thought suitable for use. 

V. Et álibi aliórum plurimórum sanctórum Mártyrum et Confessórum, atque sanctárum Vírginum. R. Deo grátias.

