For five minutes whilst out on my morning walk; grey and damp for the third day, yes, but a lovely morning in any case. It was flying quite near to the tops of the grasses and flowers; was dark enough that I didn't catch much color beyond a certain blur of violet. It is the first of the Ember Days in Pentecost, Feria Quarta Quattuor Temporum Pentecostes (Introibo); two lessons before the Gospel, both from Acts. Holy Mass is streamed from Saint-Eugène at 1000, I believe, although I see that the YouTube notice of this has vanished since yesterday; generally speaking, this means that the people at St.-E. responsible for the YT channel etc are fussing about with things.
There are three authentic proses of the Venerable Adam of Saint-Victor for the Pentecost Octave (I've got Dr Mousseau's text, based on Blume and Bannister, Grosfillier, and Szövérffy): Lux iucunda lux insignis (for feria secunda, Monday), Qui procedis ab utroque (for feria tertia, Tuesday) and Simplex in essentia (for feria quinta, Thursday). At Saint-Eugène, the Schola sang Lux iucunda lux insignis at the Offertory yesterday-- apparently, in the Proper of Paris, it is appointed to the Tuesday, not the Monday-- and concluded it at the Communion. Veni Sancte Spiritus being the proper sequence in the Roman Rite since 1570, Adam's prose had to be sung elsewhere than before the Gospel. Am not sure what melody Dr Vianini is using.
Adam's sequence sung yesterday at St-E. begins just after 0:47:00 and then the second part just after 1:01:00.
And Simplex in essentia is being sung today (in two parts, as with Lux iucunda yesterday), as in the Proper of Paris. I wonder if there are additional sequences for the remainder of the Octave, attributed to Adam, or 'pseudo-Adam', as they may be. The program of the Mass is here. Simplex in essentia begins after 0:47:00 and the conclusion after 1:04:00.
It is also the feast of Saint Philip (16th century), of Saint Mariana de Jesús (17th century), and of Saint Pedro (18th century).
V. Et álibi aliórum plurimórum sanctórum Mártyrum et Confessórum, atque sanctárum Vírginum. R. Deo grátias.
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