The Vigil of Pentecost...

Today which, in the Traditional Rite, reprises in many ways the Easter Vigil: six lessons (readings from the Prophets), procession to the baptismal font, the font's blessing, the benediction of the Holy Chrism, baptisms if God has so blessed the church, the Litany, and then the Mass begins directly with the Kyrie. 

It may be recalled that at the Easter Vigil there was a great media outrage because distances weren't kept and masks weren't worn etc etc; Mons A. to his undoubted shame overreacted, throwing Canon Guelfucci and Fr Grodziski to the media wolves. I've read very little about the business since but at this Vigil there were baptisms also-- two: of Antony and Cécile, Deo gratias-- and the cameras kept focussed on the stained glass throughout those rites, ha, eliminating videographic evidence of how close or distant anyone was. The servers have been wearing masks since the idiots arrested MM Guelfucci and Grodziski for the day on April 8th and the chanters have stayed in the choir loft-- until today. We shall see.

It is also the feast of Saint Rita (15th century), of Saint Ausonius (4th-5th century), and of Saint Vladimir (11th century). 

V. Et álibi aliórum plurimórum sanctórum Mártyrum et Confessórum, atque sanctárum Vírginum. R. Deo grátias.

