Lovely horizontal ribbons of pink, and mauve, and grey...

And other colors I can't name, salmon perhaps and orange... in any event a beautiful Dawn and thus far a beautiful morning. There was a bird in the tree that stands immediately in front of the house as I went out for my walk just before five; an odd sort of call, two identical notes almost metallic in their timbre. It had gone when I returned.

It is Monday in the first week post Octavam Pentecostes; it is also, depending upon which calendar one looks to, the feast of Saint Petronilla, of Saint Angela Merici, of Our Lady Queen, and of her Visitation (which we commemorate each day in the Rosary) to cognata sua Saint Elizabeth, mother of Saint John Baptist. Am myself saying the simplex Office of Saint Petronilla, although I said  the duplex Office of Saint Angela Merici at Lauds and will at Vespers. The suffragia-- prayers to Our Lady, the Holy Apostles Saints Peter and Paul, and for peace added after the day's collect at Lauds and Vespers-- are now returned  according to the arcana of the rubrics; I believe they're first said again in fact tomorrow, tomorrow being a feria. At some point, a prayer to Saint Joseph was added. At some point, all of the suffrages except for that of Our Lady were... condensed into one prayer. The suffrages begin, also, with a commemoration of the Holy Cross in Paschaltide (and sometimes outside it, depending upon which authority one reads)-- I pray what presents once I settle the choice of calendar.

The Introit Gaudeamus omnes in Domino is in the first place, I think, the Introit for All Saints but is adapted throughout the year to various festal and votive uses, as for today's Mass of Our Lady Queen (as at Introibo, with a commemoration of Saint Petronilla). 

Gaudeámus omnes in Dómino, diem festum celebrántes sub honóre beátæ Maríæ Vírginis Regínæ, de cuius solemnitáte gaudent Angeli et colláudant Fílium Dei.

Ite Missa est, Saint-Eugène's YouTube channel, yesterday notified us that there were to be no live-streams until Sunday next. But am going to check, anyway, later on, because occasionally the left hand and the right hand pass by each other without solidly connecting, ahem. But past practice is that they do cease daily diffusions once we're out of the great cycle of the Advent to Easter seasons so this isn't much surprising. 

Ante Sextam. The Chopin Institute's Saturday and Sunday recitals from Żelazowa Wola, Chopin's birthplace, began again this month, although I hadn't thought to 'tune in' until I noticed their YouTube page earlier this morning. Have been listening to Tomasz Marut in recital from May 22nd, last Saturday. 

Post Sextam. Am still listening to Chopin, in between chapters of Donna Leon's Brunetti stories; because I'm retired and because I can, I'm reading from the first of them until, well, until I begin to find them tiresome. Am at Acqua Alta, the fifth one, I think; have a vague recollection of having read this from the library who knows how many years ago although it seems to be the case that the two principals also featured in the first of series, which was the only volume I had owned when I began last week. Purchased in July, 2013. Who can remember eight years ago, alas? perhaps I'm recalling the Death at La Fenice, perhaps I'd read this one, eh. The one irritating Leonian tic, the one I notice this far into the series, anyway, is her need to introduce virtuous homosexual characters at regular intervals. No one doubts that many homosexual people live virtuous lives, or try to, but the Leon's art is lacking a certain finesse in this part of her writing and smacks of propaganda; like Brunetti himself, however, I let it flow past like the ugly waters of the laguna

It is also the feast of Saint Felix of Nicosia (18th century), of Saint Battista (16th century), and of Saint Silvius of Tolosa (4th century).

V. Et álibi aliórum plurimórum sanctórum Mártyrum et Confessórum, atque sanctárum Vírginum. R. Deo grátias.

