With a black and then an opaque white sky-- a fine walk earlier; I love mornings like these: very nearly falling rain and a freshening breeze but no actual soaking. I did, however, reduce another couple of items in the local population of snails to mush as I left the house. Today is Thursday in the Pentecost Octave; the Mass is Spíritus Dómini replévit orbem terrárum, allelúia (Introibo). I notice that the sequence Qui procedis ab utroque of Adam of Saint-Victor is being sung today at Saint-Eugène; the program is here. As I pointed out yesterday, Dr Mousseau presents the three Victorine sequences for Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday in the Pentecost Octave, with Qui procedis ab utroque for Tuesday and Simplex in essentia for today; what is in the Parisian books and what the scholars have to say is obviously not necessarily identical.
Ante Vesperas. A long quiet day of Adam and 'the Trojan Cycle' of remains of Greek epic.
It is also the feast of Saint Augustine of Canterbury (7th century), of Saint Eutropius of Orange (5th century), and of Saints Barbara Kim and Barbara Yi (19th century).
V. Et álibi aliórum plurimórum sanctórum Mártyrum et Confessórum, atque sanctárum Vírginum. R. Deo grátias.
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