Grey and damp, second morning...

Happily, it is Pentecost Tuesday and the joy of the feast makes even the grey-and-damp pleasant enough. I am feeling much better, after several days of nonsense (which may also contribute to the day's pleasance, the sacrum septenarium aside). Am now finishing following Holy Mass from Saint-Eugène in Paris.

Ante Sextam. Rumor is abroad and quite loud this morning: the Pope is preparing to 'reinterpret' the meaning of Summorum Pontificum. The one specific act that is noised about is that henceforward priests of the Roman Rite will no longer be entitled, as priests of the Roman Rite, to freely celebrate the Traditional Mass: there will need to be 'specific permission' from the ordinary, whatever that may mean. We shall have to wait and see. The Pope and his creatures will (apparently) try to peddle the lie reinterpretation that Summorum Pontificum was designed with the followers of Mons Lefebvre in mind, not the rest of us. That prospect of that sort of patent falsehood causes me to wonder if perhaps Benedictus XVI is nearer to death than we are given to believe. 


It is also the feast of Saint Maria Maddalena (17th century), of Saint Gregory VII (11th century), and of Saint Bede the Venerable (8th century). 

V. Et álibi aliórum plurimórum sanctórum Mártyrum et Confessórum, atque sanctárum Vírginum. R. Deo grátias.

