Am up late so am listening to the Benedicta sit for today's solemn high Mass of the Most Holy Trinity from Saint-Eugène before my morning walk and before Prime. Was up at midnight yesterday for the Saturday Ember Day Mass and then went out last evening for the 'Vigil Mass' here, it being celebrated (for now anyway) ad orientem according the Latin of the Pauline Rite-- in any event, wasn't prepared to rise at 0145 for the live streaming of Benedicta sit.
Canon Guelfucci is homilizing. The Schola Sainte-Cécile sang the Kyrie Fons Bonitatis (Kyrie II in the Kyriale) with its mediaeval tropes e.g. Kyrie, fons bonitatis, Pater ingenite, a quo bona cuncta procedunt, eleison. Obviously, these tropes are why the Kyries bear the titles that they do, relics of the antique practice. The Kyrie is sung immediately after the rite of the Asperges, so five minutes in or so. The program for the Mass is here.
Was reminded that it is the proper feast of Saint Joan of Arc when I was rummaging in the Graduale triplex for Kyries. There's no mention of it on the parish's mass calendar page so I am guessing it is suppressed because of the occurrence of the feast of the Most Holy Trinity. I see that tomorrow is the anniversary of the Dedication of the Metropolitan Basilica, a feast therefore of the first class-- whether that Mass will be streamed at 1000, I don't know. The page at Vespers said that the next live stream will be Sunday, evidently the external solemnity of Corpus Christi.
The motet of Lambert Pietkin (1613-1696), organist and maitre de chapelle of the Cathedral of Notre-Dame and Saint Lambert at Liège, sung at the Offertory, Benedicam Dominum, was lovely. And I thought it quite fitting, the chanting of the Quicumque vult at the Communion in the Parisian version in faux-bourdon from 1739.
Post Primam. Yet again the Quicumque vult; I can never keep track of the occasions when it is said-- it is treated as the fourth 'Psalm' at Prime-- although today, the feast of the Most Holy Trinity, is certainly one of them; when I see it, I read it, without concerning myself with the day or feast.
The squirrels and jays are both foraging for peanuts this morning-- the birds are heavy enough that they make a thump when they land, and the squirrels make their own thumps when they jump from branch to deck to steps. Usually the birds keep a fair distance between themselves and the squirrels; this morning, they decided to throw caution to the wind, I guess. Must say Terce and make some toast before Vespers from Saint-E. at 0845.
It is also the feast of Saint Venantius of Lérins (4th century), of Saint Hubertus of Tongeren-Maastricht (8th century), and of Saint Luke Kirby (16th century).
V. Et álibi aliórum plurimórum sanctórum Mártyrum et Confessórum, atque sanctárum Vírginum. R. Deo grátias.
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