Although not much, a gentle fall of it, but more or less constantly since the early hours of the day. Today is the feast of Saint Fidelis of Sigmaringen (Introibo, CE, Wikipedia) but in the older Traditional Rite it is a Saturday Commemoration of the Blessed Virgin and the 4th day infra Octavam Sancti Ioseph. I'm guessing that Saint-Eugène isn't streaming Holy Mass today although I'll check in at 1000.
Missed the Wigmore Hall streaming this morning of two concerts of works of the composer Brian Elias, with whom I'm entirely unfamiliar. They are at the site of course but will finish with The House that Jack Built first, it being the first track of the album I selected at random from the three at Spotify; a BBC commission in 2002. Of course it doesn't seem to be on YouTube.
As it happens, the second concert is underway now, at 0724. Spondeon; I don't know whether this is a part of a larger worker. Σπονδειον is the cup used for a libation and by extension the peace or truce its use solemnized. Ah, it is a section of Pythikos Nomos. Elias is present at these retrospective concerts; he is talking about 'structuring rhythm' and Aristoxenus of Tarentum (not in Loeb, alas), who wrote treatises about music.
My interest was piqued by the allusive Greek titles etc but I'm afraid I'm unlikely to listen often, although I'll continue giving Elias a listen today. He will, I suspect, be introduced to that large company of gifted composers whose works, presented during 'the season' in the concert or recital hall, I will happily listen to, there, but won't much listen to at home.
Post Nonam. Damp and cold, tsk. Tomorrow is the feast of the Evangelist Saint Mark, the 3rd Sunday post Octavam Paschae (which beginning with this Sunday is called simply post Pascha-- but it is the 4th Sunday in the Pauline Rite), and the 'major' Rogation Day with its singing of the Litany. This latter is fixed on the 25th but has no direct connection with the feast of Saint Mark (which was attached to the date much later, evidently) apart from this coincidence. The 'minor' Rogation Days (no singing of the Litany on them) are the Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday before the feast of Our Lord's Ascension. At Saint-Eugène, the grand-messe (the typically French way of glossing over the fact that perhaps, just perhaps, the Missa cantata isn't really a Solemn High Mass but, regardless, 'we are having High Mass on Sunday') is to be sung at 1100, the Rogation Mass with the procession at 1530, and Vespers and Benediction at 1745 i.e. 2 am, 6:30 am, and 8:45 am here. Ordinarily, of course, on Sundays Mass at 1100 and Vespers are streamed; we shall see about the Rogation Mass etc at 0630. I think I must anticipate at least Matins before retiring tonight, to be on the safe side, lest the day from 0200 onward until 0945 be non-stop 'church' and I find myself in the position of having to say Prime and Terce and Sext one after the other from 0945 to past 1030. But I probably won't; will just rise at midnight.
Ante Vesperas. They, Jason and his companions, are dealing with the sons of Phrixus (II,1220) and Peleus is telling those fellows not to imagine that his fellows are able to be intimidated, inter alia because μακάρων σχεδον αἵματος ἐκγεγαῶτας, we are born blood-relations of the Blessed Ones. Type and antitype, perhaps; we are in truth blood-relations of the Blessed One. Time for Vespers.
It is also the feast of Saint Egbert (8th century), of Saint Ivo (7th century), and of Saint Mellito (7th century).
V. Et álibi aliórum plurimórum sanctórum Mártyrum et Confessórum, atque sanctárum Vírginum. R. Deo grátias.
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