For reasons I don't know and cannot explain-- no unusual quantities of tea or coffee yesterday, no excitements planned for the day, no troublesome chore casting its shadow, who knows. Am quite sure, however, that eventually, one of these mornings, if this shortening of my night sleeping hours continues, I will drift off into a 'nap' at 1100 and not awaken until 1400. Eh. Warmer still this morning-- almost 50 degrees F. now, and 'almost' 80 in the late afternoon, so say the weather mages. Today's the feast of the Dominican martyr Saint Peter of Verona (Introibo, CE, Wiki); Holy Mass will be streamed from Saint-Eugène in Paris at the usual hour.
Noticed, reading a different version than yesterday's of his recent comments on the German Episcopate, that Cardinal Pell is 80 on June 8th. I wonder-- am sure someone somewhere has done these calculations-- which of the purpurati celebrated for their defence of orthodoxy will, as we head into the Summer, still be voting in the next Conclave. I console myself with the thought that the cardinal-electors can choose anyone as pope without regard to his age.
At New Liturgical Movement this morning two interesting posts, the first about the feast of Saint Joseph the Worker ('San Giuseppe Communista') on the Kalends of May (I'll be saying the Office of the Apostles Saint Philip and James, ahem, with a commemoration of Saint Joseph's feast) from a series of articles on the great Saint by Dr Michael Foley and the second by Dr Gregory DiPippo on the fellow who assassinated today's Saint Peter of Verona.
Ante Sextam. M. Michel Janva of Le Salon Beige was suspended from Twitter yesterday or the day before-- I noticed his tweets were not displaying in Tweetdeck but didn't remember to go to the site to investigate until this morning. The offending tweet was in response to a headline at Le Monde about the murders at Rambouillet.
... [The tweet] followed the Rambouillet attack, in which I reacted to an article in Le Monde which indicated that the terrorists were undetectable [because unaffiliated in a formal way with organized foreign jihadis]. I had therefore stressed that we must beware of 'calm immigrants' since the [terrorists amongst them] are undetectable. This does not mean that all Muslim immigrants are terrorists but that, as the state does not do its job against it, [terrorism and] illegal immigration, we just have to be wary of all of them.
Not all Mahometans are terrorists. Even those people, Mahometans and others, who appear calm and sensible can sometimes be terrorists. The New York Timeses and the Le Mondes of the world can't deal with this truth. I hope he begins on Telegram, or Signal, or Gab, even.
The Roman Pontiff has written, motu proprio, an Apostolic Letter, La fedeltà nelle cose di poco conto (perhaps Cardinal Pell, in his leisure hours, might put this document into the proper language of the Roman Church; the mental picture of him and Cardinal Müller working on the drafts, perhaps alongside Cardinal Burke who occasionally makes a discreet telephone call to Mons V., is amusing), re-regulating the financial affairs of the Holy See. I suspect that each of the provisions therein is admirable and appropriate and so forth; of course, it is very easy as an observer, from the outside, as it were, to ask why these reforms weren't made five years ago, or ten, or twenty. Who knows; I can tolerate a score of crimes and scandals of venality and nepotism and even simony but I can't tolerate the protection of one sexual abuser amongst the Bishops.
I received a letter in the mail today from Mr Biden, kindly informing me that, due in part to his hard work, I am to receive a 'stimulus check' in the amount of X dollars, and if I haven't done so by next Friday I ought to telephone the number at the foot of the page. I believe that that money was moved to my bank account via direct deposit in... within about 48 hours after the bill, whatever it was called, became law. Last month? In February? Tried to calculate the cost of those useless letters but since there are too many variables involved, I settled on $7.5 million. At least it wasn't the feds' announcing that they want back some of what they've already 'gathered' and then 'shared' with me.
It is also the feast of Saint Anthony (19th century), of Saint Ugo (12th century), and of Saint Torpes (1st century).
V. Et álibi aliórum plurimórum sanctórum Mártyrum et Confessórum, atque sanctárum Vírginum. R. Deo grátias.
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