And I'm finally feeling my normal self, even. It is Childermas, the feast of the Holy Innocents (CE, Introibo, Wiki). The folks at Saint-Eugène are, quite understandably after the Christmas festivities, taking a holiday from all the fuss involved in streaming Masses.
Yesterday's Mass, of the Sunday infra Octavam, is here. The introit, Dum médium siléntium tenérent ómnia, et nox in suo cursu médium iter háberet, omnípotens Sermo tuus, Dómine, de cælis a regálibus sédibus venit, is exceptionally lovely. While silence held all in its grasp, and night quickly passed its midpoint, Thy omnipotent Word, Lord, came down from the heavenly courts.
And the video recording of Vespers.
Am begun to read Père Louis Cognet's forty pages in the Dictionnaire de Spiritualité ascétique et mystique (published over 60 years through 1995) on François Fénelon so I suspect I'll be occupied with that for most of the day. Looking about earlier, I found many references to a fellow named Tozer, who is evidently Aiden Wilson Tozer, a Protestant Evangelical pastor and preacher (m 1963), a couple suggesting that reading Fénelon was almost as good as reading Tozer. Mr Tozer seems to have been an Evangelical of the old school, who preached holiness of life in Our Lord, whatever he may also have thought about Catholic nonsense: unostentatious, self-denying, the Wiki article says e.g. that he and his wife never kept an automobile. Nothing at all like the 'mega-church pastors' and 'televangelists' of the latter part of the 20th century. We can hope that Monseigneur and Mr Tozer now enjoy together, in their different stations, the endless glories of the divine Majesty.
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