Ad te levavi animam meam...

Deus meus in te confido non erubescam-- that's the beginning of the introit to today's Mass. (The pdf of the libellus of the Mass is here.)

I'll point out the trope Sanctissimus namque Gregorius sung before the introit. It is sung since it is the beginning of the liturgical year. "In the early Middle Ages, at the beginning of the new liturgical year, it was a fairly widespread custom to sing before the introit a few verses in honor of Saint Gregory the Great, the inspired editor of the Antiphonarium which bears his name", as Cardinal Schuster puts it; more broadly, since it was widely believed that the corpus of 'Gregorian' chant came directly from his hands. 

Sanctíssimus namque Gregórius cum preces effúnderet ad Dóminum ut músicum donum ei désuper in carmínibus dedísset, tunc descéndit Spíritus Sanctus super eum, in spécie colúmbæ, et illustrávit cor ejus, et sic demum exórtus est cánere, ita dicéndo--

While the most blessed Gregory poured out his prayers to the Lord so that He would grant him the gift of music to be used for composing the sacred chant, behold! the Holy Ghost descended upon him in the form of a dove and illuminated his heart, and then he began to sing, saying--

And then the Schola proceeded with the introit. Have seen this trope referenced elsewhere but must look about for some English text linkable-- Deo gratias, my vague memory is not. 

The prose Moesta Sion, muta vocem, from the ancient rite of Lisieux, was sung during the incensing of the altar at the offertory, after the proper antiphona ad offertorium. At about 1:12:45.

Who knew about a Lisieux rite? I see a Missale Lexoviense printed in 1504, with other liturgical books from the 13th century onward; the pdf isn't perfectly legible nor is the printing easily readable to me but it does look as if there is a sequence before the Gospel, not Moesta Sion, muta vocem, however: it looks like it begins Salus aeterna. As in fact it does....

I'm sometimes very much an idiot. I got absorbed in the Missale Lexoviense and, while Salus aeterna seemed familiar (am not specially bright at three in the morning) it's only now dawned on me that the Schola sang it during the Communion at Saint-Eugène, tsk; before the harmonized Rorate caeli, the proper antiphona ad communionem, and the Domine salvam fac Galliam.

And also we ought all of us, everyone, give thanks to the divine Majesty for the decision of the Conseil d'Etat in Paris this morning that quashed the French government's imposition of a 30 person limit to attendance at each Mass

Time for Vespers from Paris, then breakfast. But I must note that I've downloaded today's release of the Neumz app on the iPad and thus far-- have only listened to the bells at Jouques-- it works perfectly. Macte virtute!

It turns out that I can put their 'digital Advent calendar' videos here. Dr Alberto Díaz Blanco is talking chiefly about Advent in general and the introit Ad te levavi. In Spanish with English subtitles.


Today is the first of nine days of prayer (a 'novena') preparatory to the great solemnity of Our Lady's Immaculate Conception on the 8th, under which title she is the heavenly Patroness of the United States. Am using this prayer, written by Pope Saint Pius X, after the morning and evening rosary.

Vierge très sainte, qui avez plu au Seigneur et êtes devenue sa Mère, Vierge Immaculée dans votre corps, dans votre âme, dans votre foi, et dans votre amour, de grâce, regardez avec bienveillance les malheureux qui implorent votre puissante protection.

Le serpent infernal, contre lequel fut jetée la première malédiction, continue, hélas! à combattre et à tenter les pauvres fils d’Eve.

O Vous, notre Mère bénie, notre Reine et notre Avocate, vous qui avez écrasé la tête de l’ennemi dès le premier instant de votre Conception, accueillez nos prières, et, nous vous en conjurons, unis en un seul coeur, présentez-les devant le Trône de Dieu, afin que nous ne nous laissions jamais prendre aux embûches qui nous sont tendues, mais que nous arrivions tous au port du salut, et qu’au milieu de tant de périls, l’Eglise et la société chrétienne chantent encore une fois l’hymne de la délivrance, de la victoire et de la paix.

Ainsi soit-il!

O Marie conçue sans péché, priez pour nous qui avons recours à vous!


Tonight's full Moon-- 0430 in the morning more precisely-- is evidently called the 'beaver Moon', who knows why. And there is a penumbral eclipse (I lose track of what that means-- which umbra?-- although the short version is 'an eclipse I can't see'). A beautiful ivory globe at the moment, far more spectacular than the electronic light that was hung in Hult Center's Silva Hall for the Eugene Symphony Orchestra's concert in April 2019 (Debussy, Pärt, Scriabin, Handel, and another composer whose name escapes me at the moment) that was converted into a video 'premiered' earlier this afternoon on YouTube. Won't repeat my nonsense about it here but it can be read at The Music Salon since I added a comment to Friday's Miscellanea. Were I not tired of the business I'd correct the sentence 'This first go...  is a live concert recycled from April 2019' to 'This first go... is the video recording of a live concert from' and so forth. It only now occurs to me to wonder how many other concerts have been recorded and might be sold marketed online for a small fee: income and an increase in the company's visibility. No one consults me, ha.


Dr DiPippo at New Liturgical Movement recalls to our attention the wisdom of St Gregory the Great at the beginning of Advent.

As this annus horribilis nears its end, the Church wisely reminds us, as She has at the beginning of each new liturgical year for over a millenium, that the end of the world is always nigh, by reading an admonition to that effect from Pope St Gregory the Great, who died over 1400 years ago.

