A beautiful spatiamentum earlier, to greet Dawn...

Rising in the East, and a beautiful day of thanksgiving ahead, I believe. Said Terce early because I put a bit of pork into the oven to roast and so am at breakfast now. A Te Deum is in order.

And another.


As I noted yesterday, today is the feast of St Genevieve du Miracle des Ardents.


At the Danish Radio Koncerthuset in Copenhagen, at 1020 if I'm reading aright, a concert by the Danish National Symphony Orchestra of Sibelius's Violin Concerto (Augustin Hadelich, violinist) and Shostakovich's Symphony no 5-- so I'll miss that because of Holy Mass (although depending upon whether it is read or sung, maybe won't miss much of the Sibelius). 

At 1100, on France Musique, a piano program including inter alia two transcriptions for solo piano by Florian Noack: of (part of?) Rimsky-Korsakov's Shéhérazade and of Bach's Concerto for Four Harpsichords in A minor BWV 1065. Noack seems to appreciate transcriptions and has an album of them

There's an all-Beethoven concert livestreamed from Genoa later on, from the Teatro Carlo Felice, which I might try to listen to; the Coriolanus and Egmont overtures and then Symphony no 7. The converters are saying both noon and 1300 here so we shall see. 


The French government has altered its position on the public celebration of Holy Masses, presumably in the face of the protestations of Catholics and others about the 'closure until February' of the churches (Messrs Macron and others have been chattering in the media about this possibility for a few days): as of November 28, a limit of 30 people at Masses is imposed, which the state propagandizes as a grand gesture of respect to religion. Pft. The new regime features (am reading at Le Monde) the 'let's play it by ear' attitude that we in Oregon and the United States are accustomed to and says that 'it may be the case that the size of the buildings and their interior space might be taken into consideration'. Pft. 

Mons Eric Marie de Moulins d'Amieu de Beaufort, archbishop of Reims and president of the Bishops Conference, called the new policy 'une mesure irréaliste et inapplicable', a measure absurd and unenforceable (I think that's about right). 

The bishop of Perpignan, Mons Norbert José Henri Turini, has asked pastors in his diocese not to become 'accountants'

... However, I ask the priests not to set themselves up as comptables ('accountants') of their Sunday assemblies and therefore not to reject, if this were the case, the 31st person and the following ones who would come forward. I take full responsibility for it and if it proves necessary I will answer personally to the public authorities.... 

Mons Luc Marie Daniel Ravel, the archbishop of Strasbourg, announced that he would appeal to the Conseil d'Etat against these 'disproportionate' burdens. The response of the Bishops Conference will presumably be made public tomorrow, after a meeting tonight. 

Spes contra spem.

