My morning began an hour earlier...

Than I had intended for it to because I misread the clock (don't ask: that is 'shorthand' for the actual sequence of events that only tangentially involved a digital display), and I fell in the bathroom most embarrassingly (that injury to my amour-propre was the only one), but Dawn is lovely and Venus is sparkling away.

I see that the usual suspects are indulging in a fit of outrage over what has been reported by the major media from Kenosha in Wisconsin. The Guardian knows that Tucker Carlson is a racist bigot, still. 


I will wait and see news the light of day brings.

Later on, am going to hear Bruckner's Symphony no 0 for the first time, from Stavanger in Norway.



Didn't know about the existence of this work until fifteen minutes ago, so am looking forward to it. Trying to navigate about the NRK Klassisk station or channel is proving unproductive. The website of the Stavanger Symfoniorkester shows that they are performing the program I'm looking for (today, tomorrow, and Saturday, all of them sold out)-- it is Vasks, Beethoven (of course), and then the Bruckner-- at the time the World Concert Hall site gives but I cannot find that more or less two hour window on the NRK program listing: a different concert program entirely, yes, available from today until February of next year, but I'm not looking for Berio, Kodaly, and Sibelius, am I. NRK Klassisk is in fact broadcasting Sibelius et al and not Bruckner et al. Eh. .

Am reading the news but have had Romeo Castellucci's version of Mozart's
Die Zauberflöte running on the altera machina. There were five or six blind women discussing their disability, and half a dozen burned men discussing their accidents etc at the moment-- in English (this is the staging at La Monnaie, ahem)-- in some sort of commentary on light and the perception of light. I didn't understand the women using the breast pumps, either (the Queen of the Night drinks the human milk because...). There is no Mozart being performed during this half an hour; I would have left the theatre.
