The 'Dead March', performed as the cortège returns the dead Saul and Jonathan from the battlefield. Someone at Wikipedia writes:
The 'Dead March' played in Act Three, introducing the obsequies for the deaths of Saul and Jonathan, is in the key of C major. It includes an organ part and trombones alternating with flutes, oboes and quiet timpani. The "Dead March" in Saul has been played at state funerals in the United Kingdom, including that of Winston Churchill. It is the standard funeral march of the armed forces of Germany, played at all state funerals. It was also performed at the funeral of George Washington, as well as being played many times during the journey of the body of Abraham Lincoln after his assassination to Springfield, Illinois. In 2015, it was performed at the state funeral of Lee Kuan Yew, the first Prime Minister of Singapore.
Some elaborate analogy, made in denunciation of the spirit of the age, had momentarily flitted across my mind, having seen some reference to John Williams's 'Imperial March' from that movie series. But having gotten as far as this, eh, I'm going to plead that I don't quite remember the terms (of course, I do, and they were inexact and unconvincing). Leopold Stokowski's orchestration of Handel:
Vincénti dabo manna abscónditum, et nomen novum, allelúja is the fifth antiphon at Lauds for Corpus Christi and its Octave; Mons Charles Pope writes that it is the first and that it is in the Office of Readings so he is referring to the New Rite-- for which I will forgive him. In any case, while I knew that the text was from the Apocalypse, he has provided at the Washington DC archdiocese's blog a much more learned explanation of it than I could hope to do.
... The Church... clearly sets forth that the “hidden manna” is the Eucharist. Some in the past have sought to link this to the ciborium of manna that was placed in the Ark of the Covenant along with the tables of the Law and staff of Aaron. Moses had said to Aaron, Take a jar and fill it with an omer of manna. Then place it before the LORD to be preserved for the generations to come (Exodus 16:33). The ancient Ark of the Covenant disappeared during the Babylonian destruction of Jerusalem in 587 B.C. and has never been found. In this sense, it-- and the vessel of manna that was within it-- are hidden. This explanation fails to appreciate that the ancient Ark pointed to and is fulfilled in Christ. The old Ark was said to carry the presence of the Lord in Israel, but Mary is the Ark of the New Covenant, carrying in her womb and later her arms the very presence of God in Israel, our Lord Jesus Christ. The staff of Aaron the High Priest points to the true shepherd’s staff of our Lord. The stone tablets containing the Law point to Christ, the Word made Flesh, the perfection of God’s truth, and the fulfillment of His Law. The small jar of manna points to Christ, who is the true living bread come down from Heaven, who now dwells with us truly in His eucharistic presence in the ciboria within our tabernacles....
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