With one ear open, as it were. It seems to me pitched to an audience that is interested in a general introduction to the Confessionum libri.
Have been doing a bit of cleaning today, reading Fr Crean and Dr Fimister's Integralism, keeping up with nonsense on the Twitter, Parler, and Facebook accounts, a quiet, breezy day. I must interrupt Fr Hofer because I've put off Vespers to listen. If I had planned properly, I would have said Vespers before 1700, tsk.
A good thing that there is a mighty breeze because otherwise it would be too hot for comfort.
Am interested to see what happens with Parler. It is (as was pointed out to me with what I perceived to be a touch of asperity) designed, according to the fellow, to channel 'tips' (of the cash money sort) to the favorite political causes, who are (now, at any rate) all of them on the Right and of the Trumpist party.
On the other hand, you can leave me a tip and I am certainly not of that party, although it is quite true that I am of the Right. [Later, Friday, next morning. This is not true, I was mistaken: no tip button shows up on my page, nor on 'private' individuals' pages. Hmm.]
There have been a decent number of the English Catholics who have taken up Parler accounts in the last week. The English are concerned about Twitter censorship, I think, and are, many of them, friendly to Mr Trump if only a) because the UK media mercilessly and thoughtlessly consign him each hour of the day to the rubbish heap, as their US allies do, and the English prefer to cheer for the perceived underdog, at least so long as he remains 'under' and then b) because they are jittery on account of the plague nonsense over there-- they still cannot hear public Masses-- which has been much worse for them than it has been for me.
A handful of priests have established themselves at Parler, too. I wonder how that will work. Holy Mother Church seeks the common good of all earthly societies and nations and understands that people of good will make a variety of political choices: but there is no point denying that the ecclesiastically powerful, from the Sovereign Pontiff down to the least of Jesuits, Pater James Martin, are in the terms of secular politics, anyway, of the Left. Quasi-political acts tend to have repercussions in the ecclesiastical bureaucracies.
Must stop rambling and say Compline before the Biber at 1900.
Ha; evidently we're watching Mr Martins in his living room or studio. Honestly, sometimes I begin to think that I'm too dense for words: what was I expecting? the stage in a recital hall, I suppose. While I am enjoying Biber's wonderful creation and Martins's performance, he quite obviously belongs to the 'display all possible emotions on the face whilst playing your instrument' school of performance: I'm listening, not watching. I believe that I recall correctly that he's using a 17th century instrument [Francesco Ruggieri, 1690] with a modern [François Voirin, ca 1880] bow. The program that I couldn't figure out how to link to this morning is here.
He and the program fellow are having a conversation; I can't place his, Martins's, accent ('of American and Brasilian heritage, he grew up in Bloomington'). Unlike what's his name, whose house recitals I listened to on and off for weeks in April and early May and who seemed, occasionally, rather to enjoy playing the tragic musician suffering for his art, Martins lamented the upset caused by the plague in tones of deepest regret: inter alia, he is having to 'live at home'-- which, at 22, means, I guessing, the folks' house in Indiana. Peter Sculthorpe's 1979 Requiem for Cello Alone and Bach's first Cello Suite BWV 1007 are next.
I must get to bed so will listen to some Bach tomorrow, perhaps.
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