The fifth lesson at Matins this morning, Saint Augustine preaching on the Ascension of Our Lord, today being the Octave:
Super excélsa ergo cæli terrénum corpus impónitur: ossa, intra sepúlcri angústias paulo ante conclúsa, Angelórum cœ́tibus interúntur: in grémium immortalitátis mortális natúra transfúnditur: et ídeo sacra apostólicæ lectiónis testátur história: Cum hæc dixísset, inquit, vidéntibus illis, elevátus est. Dum audis elevátum, agnósce milítiæ cæléstis obséquium: unde hodiérna festívitas hóminis nobis et Dei sacraménta manifestávit. Sub una eadémque persóna, in eo qui élevat, divínam poténtiam; in eo autem, qui elevátur, humánam cognósce substántiam.
Dr Gregory DiPippo posted on the Octave at New Liturgical Movement earlier today, translating the great Doctor:
An earthly body, therefore, is lifted up above the heights of heaven; the bones, which but a little while before had lain within the narrow walls of the grave, are brought in among the hosts of Angels. Our mortal nature is given a place in the lap of immortality; and therefore the Apostle’s sacred history which we have read saith “When He had spoken these things, while they beheld, He was taken up.”
The passage continues to its end:
When you hear these words, 'taken up', you recognize therein the work of the heavenly hosts in the event today's feast celebrates which makes known to us the great mystery of Him who is God and Man. In one and the same Person, we witness both the divine Power that raised Him and recognize the true humanity of Him who was raised up.
Something to that effect.
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