A beautiful afternoon with Vespers ahead...

Follows a chilly morning that seemed, most of it, on the verge of a hard rainfall. Never happened. I was pleased with myself for remembering to shop for trash bags (on sale today!) but neglected to see if there are cutting boards sold at the supermarket; the departed housemate took his with him-- I had no idea it was his. Was aware that the bread knife I had been using for slicing bagels was an item in his culinary arts school set of 'Quality Knives', hence I shopped for a new one before the departure event. Perhaps I will lengthen my morning walk tomorrow and see if the local Bi-Mart (Oregon's locally-owned version of that other place) offers a choice of boards-- tsk, they don't open until 0900; the morning is three quarters vanished into the past at that late hour. Ordinarily I'm back in my little room by 0700, although it's true that the pharmacy doesn't open until 0900, either, so there is precedent.

Mr Trump chose this afternoon to declare that churches are 'essential' to... I don't know how he put it, although judging by the media reactions he must have managed to say one or two true things. Friday is publication day for The Wanderer; this is only the second issue I've seen in thirty years and lo! Mr Buchanan's column is carried in it. His prediction (perhaps he makes one every week; the odds of being right would be higher than if only one or two a year were forthcoming, I think, but perhaps not-- I am fundamentally uneducated when it comes to statistics and probabilities and such math-intensive nonsense):

If the people conclude they have done all they can do to mitigate the suffering from a virus they cannot eradicate, they will resist the imposition of another shutdown, and the establishment will have neither the will nor ability to push them back into their homes. Ultimately, the people will decide when this shutdown ends, and when a plurality so concludes, the elites will be swept aside.

I'm quite happy in retirement and haven't missed riding on the bus every day-- although once St Mary's returns to normalcy I'll be using the 66 and 67 every Sunday and feast day. And perhaps more often because I believe I allowed myself to volunteer for plague cleaning: although 'normalcy' and doing the plague-cleainging don't seem congruent prospects. Someone will probably suggest doing the super-sanitizing nonsense indefinitely in order to guard against a recurrence of the plague in the fortnight before Election Day.


